No Bullying

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Chapter 12
No bullying
Peterickey: hickey
Pete stud inside of his pawns shared room. And you'd think he'd be acquainted with one but you are far from the truth. Pete has actually been in their dorm room going on 5 minutes now with no sign of the both of them. But they're phones were still in the room telling him that they couldn't have gone far and they wouldn't be gone for long.
So Pete jumped into Mikey's bed and stared at his phone waiting for this pawns. But soon his phone watching became uninteresting. He sighed tossing the device aside.
He was bored. He looked around the room and noticed how mikey's side of the dorm room was cleaner than patricks. Mikey's bed was made and had no wrinkles. Key word had, because now pete is laying upon it messing it up. Mikey even had his shoes in containers tucked away under his bed and all of his clothes neatly hung from the closet provided from the university. See, all nice and clean which was a huge contrast to patrick's side of the room. Patrick's side was, for lack of a better word, a "neat" hot mess.
Pete stared at the ceiling deep in thought. They were to redo the kink he was assigned a few weeks ago. Why? Because he didn't do it correctly the first time. So now pete gets to choose one of his subs i mean pawns to correctly mark up. With the watchful eye of a mediator.
There was a knock on the door interrupting pete from his thoughts.
"Hey" Andy greeted as Pete let him inside. "You're short two people" Andy says speaking of the two missing pawns.
"Yeah I know. I don't know where they went" Pete says.
"Mmm, well I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. And then we can go searching for them"
Pete was now left to his phone again so he decided to check his Instagram. Scrolling through the many different posts he happens to stumble across a picture of food. Not so exciting except for the fact that the picture was posted by Gue-e-ssDaWay77 and it tagged FrnkwillfckUsUp , ddymakesmeWeekes , wRAckingYourTORnadO , bbybreezy , and cxtchingchristx82 . Looks like Gerard and Frank had dinner with dallon, breezy, ray, and christa. Nice.
Suddenly the door opened up. And there was Andy with Mikey and Patrick with him.
Wait ... hold on. There was a pissed off andy, an irritated Mikey, and a dripping wet Patrick.
"Why are you wet?" Pete asked first not sure who to ask what. Obviously something happened.
"Better question, what were these two doing?"
Andy sounded PISSED. Oof.
"Uhh... ok" Pete grabbed a towel to give to Patrick. His poor matted wet hair looked like a wet puppy. He was a wet puppy! Dear god my heart. It took every ounce in Pete's body not to go and hug Patrick. "What were you two doing?"
"Nothing" they both replied.
Andy blew out air from his nose in frustration.
"That's it. I'm calling ray. Mikey you're out."
"Woah woah woah" Pete says rushing to grab Andy, preventing him from leaving the room. "What happened? Why are you so mad?"
"I'm just trying to use the restroom minding my own business when I find Mikey here practically drowning Patrick in the bathroom. Like what the fuck?"
"What?" Pete looks over to Mikey who only wore a slightly guilty expression. But he didn't say anything."you need to explain yourself Mikey."
"It's not his fault" Patrick says.
"And how is it not?"
Patrick looked up to Mikey.
"Nope none of that" Pete steps in between the two. "How is it not?" He asked Patrick again.
"Because I called dibs. And he broke it" Mikey says lowly.
'Dibs??? What in the-?' pete swinged his head around in disbelief to look at the other pawn in the room.
"What are you talking about?" Andy asks.
"He agreed to it" Mikey adds more.
"Yes I did. I told him he can do whatever he wants"
Pete takes a step back.
"Start the story over" he says shaking his hand as if to try to reverse the whole situation.
Writer is tired of having conversations so here's the story. Mikey called dibs on having sex with Pete first and Patrick agreed to it but then... well you know, Patrick and Pete has sex first. And then Mikey became a real upsetti spaghetti because he really wanted to be first so Mikey demanded for Patrick to pay him back. And I mean how does one 'pay back' sexual actions??? And here we are.
"Thats stupid" pete says in total disbleif. "If you wanted to have sex so badly you could have just said it."pete speaks harshly to mikey completly done with his bullshot. He turned to patrick and hugged the shivering boy in front of him. "And don't you ever agree to such actions again. You did nothing wrong by having sex with me" he rubbed patricks back.
"I know. I'm sorry" patrick says, hugging back, he held onto pete enjoying the attention he was getting. Being water swirled buy mikey was no fun but he was willing to go through it if it made mikey feel better. Did it mikey feel better? Patrick didn't know. Shit, mikey.
Mikey stood beside the two hugging men in front of him, he kind of felt out of place. Like he didn't belong. Its as if pete was fucking patrick infront of him this time. And it kinda hurt. All he ever wanted was for pete to give him attention yet somehow his plan of revenge only backfired.
Patrick pulled away from pete to attack himself to mikey.
"I'm sorry mikey"he mumbles.
This took mikey by surprise but he hugged back.
"Im sorry too"
Pete looked to andy. "Is this good enough not to report?"
Andy stared pete in the eyes with a 'are you serious' type of look. But he caved. "I'm going to have to think about it." andy sighs.
Well... he kinda caved.
"Well, until then may I proceed with kink challenge?"
Andy nodded his head. "I suppose until anything is official, Mikey way is still your pawn. Go ahead"
That's all pete needed to hear.
He grabbed onto mikey's shirt and pulled him close. And then he kissed him.
"Hmmm" pete pulls away. "You taste like jealousy" he says with a smirk on his face.
"Oh yeah?" a mumble came from mikey.
They continued their kiss.
Pete lead mikey to the middle of the room with mikeys back to his own bed but not close enough to sit on.
"You wanna know what i found out when i was fucking patrick the other day?" Pete asks mikey as he made graby motions from patrick. Once patrick got closer pete snatched the damp towel off of the others head and tossed it to the ground on the other side of the room. "I found out that his perfect little mouth here has never been a holder of a firm member"
Mikey was a bit surprised. "How can you write fanfics full of smut but never sucked a dick in your whole life?"
"I have my ways, thank you very much"
"Oh" mikey lifts up his eyebrow and looked over to pete. "I guess patrick here has unlocked sassy mood"
"Why don't we teach him a lesson in sucking dick?" Pete spoke with a devious look in his eyes. He grabbed a pillow off the bed. He wanted to make sure patricks knees would be comfortable. I mean because... he might be there for a while. Placing it on the ground in front of mikey pete unzipped mikey's jeans.
"As an apology i should make you suck off Trick but you already know how to suck dick." Pete ran his fingers through mikeys hair. "So why dont you be the perfect dummy for patrick to learn from? Can you be good for me mikey?" pete asked, tightening his grip on the other's hair. Mikey nods his head with a smile on his face.
"Verbal answers only"
"Yes i can"
"Good. patrick knees"
Pete squatted down beside patrick on the floor.
"Ok pumpkin. I want you to unzip his dick." pete spoke. He watched as patricks carful hands reached up and unzipped the black jeans mikey had on. He popped the button open as well. He tugged the tight ass jeans down. How did mikey wear theses patrick had no clue. But somehow even though the pants were tight they shimmy downed the taller one legs pretty easy. This left mikey in his boxers. Patrick looked up at mikey and they made eye contact. Only for a split second before patrick pulled down the boxers as well.
Mikey wasnt that hard, some would call it a semi.
Squatting down beside Patrick, pete looked from mikeys dick to Patrick.
"You know where skin tastes like?" He asked his pawn.
"That's good. Taste him then"
Patrick extend his tongue. Softly, he rubbed his tongue up the shaft of mikey's dick. Not a bad taste, I mean its skin.
He pulls back and giggles a little. Not because anything was funny but because he was nervous. Don't judge the poor bean, it was his first time sucking dick.
He licked again and this time he decided to put the tip of his dick into his mouth.
The bulge going throught his oral cavity. He made sure not use teeth knowing that the bones would take away in pleasure he might be bringing to mikey.
Soon enough he had all of mikey into his mouth. Well almost all of him mikey. If he went any farther hed choke.
Pete stud up from his squated position. He walked behind mikey and tilted the tallers head to the side. He wanted acces to the neck.
"Good job patrick. Youre doing so good." he says before kissing mikeys neck. A few kisses here and there to keep mikey guessing.
Patrick pulled off completely and mikey reached his hands down to grab onto patricks hair, desperately wanting the others mouth to be attached to his dick again. This caused pete to stop his acts and swat mikeys hans away.
"Nuh-uh" pete says. "Let patrick learn. Plus you have no say in this mister, isnt that right?"
Mikey moans in frustration. How dare he says no when hes needy like this!
"What do you say?" pete says pulling mikeys hair roughly.
"Ngh. yes sir"
"Thats right. Patrick you go as teasingly slow as you'd like"
Patrick nodded his head.
Pete went back to softly biting mikeys neck. Causing mikey to moan again.
Porn start moans.
Thats what pete likes to call it.
Mikey;s neck is so sensitive. So fun to play with.
Pete traveled his tongue through every cravis in mikeys shoulder. The sounds so amazing. He felt mikeys stance go weak and in a matter of minutes pete was supporting the other with his own weight.
"Do you like this mikey?" pete asks.
"Yes" mikey breathes out. "Fuck i do. So so so much"
Pete laughs a little near mikeys ear. This small laughter, deep and in the back of petes throat. mikey shivered. His breath hitched as he felt him self become close. This felt amazing. All the sensations. His neck his ear. And surprisingly patrick wasnt bad at sucking dick. But he also know he had to tell patrick before he came so he didnt surprise the other boy.
"Oh. im close" mikey says. Petes teasing tongue traveling down from his ear toward his shoulders. He gigle moan from the soft ticklish touch of mikeys tongue.
"Mmm are you?"
Mikey nods his head.
Patrick pops off again. Looking uo at the two with his lips pukered and pretty hot pink in color. He grabbed mikeys dick and continued to pump it. He rubbed his finger over the head. The head insch was super sensitive as well.
Oh fuck. Mikey thought he was going to go crazy. And he probably was, since he was at the mercy of a bosy sadistic and a well skilled writer.
"Fuck" mikey moans. His mouth hanging open as he gasos for air. "Please. Im so close" he says.
Pete pulls his lips from mikeys neck. The skin alreadybright red from having so much attention to it. Unlike last time pete made sure to be more careful as to where he was placing his small bites and sucking of skin.
"Patrick you should be wanted that the cum will be salt. So be careful not to get it in your eye. The goal is to swallow but id understand if you cant do that now"
Patrick nods while on the dick. He sucked harder. If that is even possible. His tongue going up and down the shaft as he keeps the whole dick in his mouth. It was honestly a tongue work out. His mouth was also getting tired. There really isnt an exercise for your mouth when sucking dick. Patrick grough his hands up to the dick before getting the best ideaever.
He carefully touched mikeys balls.
"Oh god!" mikey jumped. He was surprised by the sudden touch of the very sensitive area. He was now a moaning mess. Pete licking the death out of his sensitive neck and patrick sucking his precum dripping dick and now fondling his sensitive testicals? Remember earlier when he said he would go crazy? Scratch that, he'd die from theses two.
"Patrick im-" mikey pants. He closes his eyes tring to force the orgasm out. He just wanted to get there. Dont get him wrong this felt good, but also it felt tiring. He needed to come. It was as if his body needed this to survive. "Puh-pete?" he asks
"Yes mikey?"
"Can i" he gasps out loud before taking struggled swallow. "i need to cum"
Pete smirked. He ran his hands under mikeys shirt. Traveling to his nipples. And softly played with them. Like little knobs, he pulled and twisted. Not too hard of course, he wasnt trying to cause pain. He just wanted to fuck with mikey.
"I dont know mikey," pete says as he played.
Patrick looked up at the two from his kneeled position on the ground. "Please, pete?" patrick asks.
He raised an eyebrow. Mikeys little whines were like music to his ears. Of course he'd protest. Almost all sensation stopped.
"Would you like to be done sucking fick?" pete asked patrick.
"Well, no. i just want to watch mikey come undone. Enfinces on the come"
This caused pete to chuckle. "Alright, youre in lucky mikey. Patrick likes you alot. Come when ever you feel it happen"
"Mmm thank you" mikey paints. He then moans once patrick continues his amazing dick sucking. Pete when back to attack mikeys neck. This time he decided to bite down SOFTLY into mikeys shoulder.
Within two minutes of the intense emotions, mikey soon squirted warm jizz upon patricks mouth. It was salty. Warm. and although salty flavours werent that bad to patrick his mouth turend sour.
Pete looked down at patrick with a questioning look. This was the moment. Was patrick a spitter or was he going to swallow.
"Swallow if you can" pete directs. He guided mikey to the bed behind them, helping the taller one sit down before returning to patrick. He still held the cum in his mouth. "Patrick you need to swallow"
In struggled gulp, patton felt the bitter liquid go down his throat.
"Ew" he simply says. Pete was tossed a water from andy who was still by the door.
"Here, drink some" he says opening it and handing it to patrick.
"The taste is not the best but" patrick starts. He looked up at pete and smiled. His lips glistened from the water he was drinking.. Or maybe it was from the dick he just had in his mouth. "The feeling was amazing." pete grabs patricks hand and pulls him from the ground.
"Well then we should do this more often"
He tuen back to mikey who had now laid down on the bed.
"I'm really sorry, patrick." he says. "And andy. And pete. Id understand if im disqualified. It was very wrong og me to do that"
"Mmhmm" pete pushes mikeys hair from in front of his face. "Lets not think about that now, sweet cheeks"
"Alright" andy says clapping his hands together. "Im going to leave now"
"Bye andy." pete says taking off his own shirt so he can hop into bed with the other two. "Make sure you lock the door"
2777 words
Alright that's enough rapid updating

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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