Bowl of Kinks: Week One

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IDK I might add a photo later


Gerard sat on his boyfriend's lap. They were once again sitting in the common area in the back corner. Today was Thursday. Time to kick off their sexual events. Gee was soooo ready. He had put aside sex for the last week so Frank wouldn't be seen as breaking the rules. Yep that's the down side to this game. They couldn't have sex together without one of their friends watching.

Frank ran his fingers through Gerard's hair. it always seemed to calm Gee down. even though at this moment Gee wasn't on the edge of crying or something, Frank just felt like doing it. Gee was like a cat, not going to lie. the soft purrs when Frank scratch at a certain spot.

"Ooo, do you do that Mikey?"

"Absolutely not. He looks like he's going into heat and I'd rather never see that again."

Gerard quickly opened his eyes. Why the fuck is Mikey here?

"Hell no" Gee says immediately.

"Oh come on Gerard. Mikey is his own person" Pete says as he pulled over two more chairs for his pawns.

"Fuck no. Mikey get outta here." Gerard tried to stand up but by this point Frank had his arms wrapped around the other and was squeezing him to death. "Let me go"

"Calm down"

"Let me go!"

"Calm down"

"Gee he already signed up. Just chill out ok" Ray says watching the interact between Pete and Gerard.

By this time it'll be irresponsible for the writer to not let the readers know who else was currently watching this go down. Andy sat beside Ray drinking his mojo work out stuff. To the right of pro athlete Andy was Spencer who DIDN'T want to be there. He had homework (yes on the first week of school) and he was itching to get it done. The next two where Joe and Ryan. Not Ross, but Seaman. To the left of Ray was Frank holding back his boyfriend Gee. Across from these two which is also the left of Seaman was Pete and his two pawns. And slowly approaching the group was Ryan Dallon and Brendon.

"What did I miss?" Dallon says pulling up two chairs for himself and Brendon. Dallon allowed Ryan to have the existing seat.

"Listen Gee if you're really upset about it you can leave and Frank can find himself another pawn" Andy says pushing over paper where everyone signed up at.


Gerard Way
Brendon Urie
Mikey Way
Patrick Stump

Gerard sighed in defeat and pushed the paper back over. "Fine"

"Fine?" Andy and Ray said at the same time.

"Let him play. I'd be damned if I allowed my baby to have fun with someone else"

Frank nuzzled his nose into the crook of Gee's neck kissing softly upon the others skin. "You know I wouldn't do that to you."

"Ok let's get this weekend on the roll."

Yes Spencer knew it was a Thursday. He just wanted it to come faster. He places his hand into the bowl and pulled out a paper.

"Rock paper scissors this shit" he says to the players.

Frank won. Spencer pulled out a piece of paper that read "mirror" Gee tried to look at the paper but Frank quickly moved it from his boyfriends view like the flash.

"I want you to be surprised baby cakes" says as his boyfriend started to be fussy again. "It'll make it hotter if you weren't expecting it."

The next player was Ryan who received tickling.

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