c h a p t e r f o u r.

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Stacey's P.O.V

I stood next to Ashley, sleeping on a coma who was completely knocked out. I feel awkward standing here backstage with Ashley completely burred in her dreams. I started poking Ashley's bottom palm of her hand seeing if she was awake. I poked, and poked, and no reaction. Suddenly, I heard footsteps from the door, and I quickly got back to my position and act naturally. Here comes a tall man, doesn't really dress like a security guard, more like a friend. He gave me a big smile and looked at Ashley who was knocked out in a coma.

"Hello there! My name is Paul, the current body guard for One Direction, but just call me Paul!" he said with a warming smile. I felt comfortable now, he seemed really nice. 

"Hi, there! I'm Stacey. Um, my friend fainted during the concert and---" he interrupted me.

"It's okay, Stacey. I know. I'm glad I came right on time though, I saw your friend collapse and I brought her right to safety. I called her mom, and she said she could stay over your house for a night or two." Paul said warmly. I smiled at his response and nodded. Then another set of footsteps were heard.. Oh my gosh, It's One Direction. I heard a quite high British accent from the hallway, and another deep one. I started feeling numb again, I'm going to meet them first than Ashley. Wow, didn't see this coming really.

Then suddenly, 5 attractive men barged in the room. I could tell it's them, from the concert. There was this one with the stripes, having his hair fall in one direction of his head.. Then there's this other one, who's quietly cheeky with the chestnut brown curly hair.. Then there's this other one, with dark hair, seemed a bit up.. Isn't this the guy who winked at Ashley? Then there's this adorable one with such light brown hair and seeming brown/green eyes.. Then this other one.. My mind blew. He was beautiful, not like any other. The way his blonde hair ripples through his head making a drastic flow out. He looked stunning, with those catching blue eyes, and pearl lips. I could stare at it all day. 

Paul politely pushed me closer to them, and smiled. "Stacey, this is Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall! Introduce yourselves while I take care of something." he says walking out of the room in a bit of a rush. Then the stripes kid walks up to me and shooks my hand.

"Hey babe, I'm Louis. You are?" he said sweetly. I blushed and looked down shaking his hand.

"Hi, I'm Stacey. That's my friend Ashley over there, in the coma. She's a bigger fan to you guys than me." I said looking at Ashley peacefully sleeping. I caught Zayn's eyes staring at her. I finally let go of Louis hand, and we all walked to Ashley's coma.

Zayn couldn't stop staring at her, but suddenly stopped because Liam whispered something in his ear. "Stacey! It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Liam.. This is Harry, That's Zayn, and this fellow over here is Niall." Harry introduced them. I smiled at there politeness.

"She looks awkward sleeping." Louis blurted leaving a quiet laugh following with Liam and Niall.

Zayn gave a crooked smile and looked at her. "Not really, she looks heavenly." he said. I looked at him, he seemed to have a bit of an interest at Ashley. Then suddenly, I saw a movement of Ashley's legs. I think she is waking up. She peeked her eyes open, and saw all of us staring at her. Her face turned rosy red. "Oh my ... gosh.." she mumbled. 

Zayn held her arms and kept her softly stabled. "Stacey go give her so water, I think she needs some." Zayn demanded keeping his eyes on Ashley. I raised both of my eyebrows and walked out into the hallway. There were multiple rooms to go to, and I quickly looked at each one of them. Then, I saw a room with a water disposer, and a refrigerator with a small table. I walked inside and grabbed a plastic cup on the counter and poured warm water inside the plastic cup. 

I stood up, and turned around. When I turned around, Niall was right behind me. "Hi!" he said happily. I panicked and dropped the plastic cup leaving the water spilled on the floor. I kneeled down to clean it up. Niall grabbed some tissues and helped me. "Oh my gosh! I'm really sorry!" he said with the remarkable Irish accent.

I blushed and let out a small laugh. "Aha, It's alright. I know you didn't mean too!" I said cleaning up the mess.

"No, it's my fault that you spilled liquid over an anonymous room that you don't even know." he said laughing. I started laughing. I looked up, and I saw his face. close to close. I trembled my lips together and looked straight into his sparkling blue eyes. I blushed leaving a red rosy tint on my cheeks. I finally snapped out of it and stood up awkwardly. I threw away the damp tissues inside the garbage pale and walked back into the main room with Niall right by my side. Why do I act so awkward with him, I think there's something wrong with me.

As we both entered to the main room, there I saw Ashley already woke up into Zayn's arms. Zayn looked at me. "Where's the water?" he asked concerned. My eyes widened. Oops. I forgot to bring her water, I never usually forget things. "I forgot.." I said awkwardly.

Everyone started laughing, especially Louis. "Aha, You just went somewhere with Niall, how can you forget?" Louis teased. I laughed and chuckled. 

"Oh hush, Is she okay still?" I asked. Zayn nodded, and looked at Ashley. Ashley carefully got out of the coma, and stood up back to balance. 

"Do you remember anything?" Liam asked. Ashley shook her head and looked at me. Zayn stood up and checked the time. 

"Boys, it's 9:21PM. Bus leaves at 11. I'm going to go on a walk, Ashley do you care to join?" Zayn looked at Ashley while a cute smile on his face. Ashley blushed slightly, and nodded grabbing a hold of Zayn's hand. 

"Can we come too?" Louis asked. I let out a hard laugh, and started laughing like crazy. I finally stopped and heard Niall's laugh too. Oh my gosh, that was like the cutest thing ever. Zayn looked at Louis weirdly, and saw Liam cuddle up behind his shoulder. "Pretty please?" Liam said with those puppy dog eyes that you can't refuse. Zayn gave him a look and groaned. "Sure." he said. Liam and Louis jumped up the air and down screaming. We all followed them, going out to the London streets in UK.

end of chapter four. ;)

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