Sick Spider

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A/N- Hey loves I hope you're ok. If you need someone to talk too I'm always here.

T.W- vomit

Summery- Peter woke up With A bad headache and I mean bad. He has a fever and his family comes to the rescue. Peter stark- lives in tower. Tony and pepper real parents.

(Peters P.O.V)

I woke up feeling ill.

Sweat was dripping down me and all my sheets where wet (No not pee).

My head felt like it was getting hit with mjönir (sorry tell me if I spelt it wrong ) over and over again.

I suddenly felt my stomach flip and bile rise in my mouth.

I try to stand only to have my limbs collapse from underneath me.

I lay on the floor whimpering as vomit poured out of my mouth (ok eww).

I cried silently trying to get up but  I couldn't.

'Would you like me to call for assistance,' FRIDAY asked.

"Please," I replied tiredly.

Footsteps could be heard echoing through the halls approaching my room.

The door flies open to reveal dad and мама паук stood at my door.

"Buddy are you okay," dad asks kneeling beside me.

I can only whimper in reply.

He picks me up and auntie Nat cleans the mess up.

Dad lays me down next to the toilet and I lean over it getting ready for round 2.

It comes shortly after and dad rubs my back.

He grabs some medicine and water and hands it to me.

My hands are shaking so he has to help me.

"Do you want to go to the living room and sleep there," he asks.

I nod my head still not having the energy to reply.

He picks me up again and grabs a bucket in case.

I lay down on the sofa, my dad to the left of me with my head on his lap and uncle Steve to the right with my legs on him.

The rest of my family is spread out around me.

Shortly after arriving I fall asleep.

I wake up feeling disoriented and lost.

I then feel my stomach turn again and the pain in my head pounding even more.

Dad must've noticed this as he grabs the bucket and leans me to the side so I don't choke as I throw up again.

Everyone around me winces at the sight but don't comment knowing I can't help it.

I lay back and get given extra strong meds to help and fall back to a dreamless sleep.

The next time I wake up I still feel ill but not as bad and we all end up sleeping on the sofa that night.




A/N - Im so sorry this is so short but I'm really tired. Also sorry for the rushed ending I didn't know where to take it. I'll update again tonight.

-M xx

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