YouTube p.3

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A/N- Sorry this has taken so long

The video started and Peter was standing in the Kitchen, smiling wildly. "Welcome back people." He states. You can hear laughter in the background and an argument. Peter looks to them and grabs a spoon throwing it at them, the laughter and arguing stop.

"So. You are all probably wondering what I'm doing in the Kitchen. The answer. I'm cooking. With the avengers" peter says, making hand gestures for people to come in. Tony, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Nat, Pepper and Thor all walk in. "These people are everyone I could get to do this." Peter says as everyone crowds the camera.

Tony ruffles Peter hair and Peter glares at Tony. He clears his throat and says "today we will be making. Cookies. This is Bucky's specialty so he might have to guide us" Peter explains sending a smile toward Bucky.

"Why can't we make brownies" Clint whines, Natasha sends him an annoyed look and grabs the spoon Peter used, hitting Clint In the arm to make him stop. "WHAT ARE COOKIES" Thor shouts, startling everyone. The video cuts just as everyone is shouting at Thor. 'We explained the Thor what cookies were. And shouted at him' the words appear on the dark screen.                                      

"Okay, so here we have all the ingredients" the camera zooms in to see everything. Everyone is helping making the cookies, poring all the mixture, all but Peter and Tony who are off screen. The camera switches to another view and you can see the two eating some chocolate chips without being noticed.                                                                                                                                                        

Bucky reaches to get the chocolate chips but doesn't see any. Looking over to Tony and Peter, Bucky glares "Are you two serious. I would expect it from Clint and Thor. But you two, really" he says angrily. Tony and Peter look at eachother, smirks rising on their faces "IT WAS PETER" "IT WAS TONY" they both shouted at the same time.                                                                                                  

The video cuts again and says on a black screen 'we had to get more, everyone was shouting at us'.                                                                                                                                                                                              

The video starts again and it's everyone sitting around. Tony looks to Peter and Peter looks back, they seem to communicate to each other via their eyes, they both nod and they grab the flour and throw it over Clint "AHHHHHHHH" Clint screams as the flour goes flying. The video cuts again and there is a picture of Clint with the flour all over him.                                                                       

"Here is the final outcome" Peter says, the camera pans over and zooms into the cookies, some are neat while others look like blobs. "I'm never doing this again" Clint mutters, everyone laughs as Peter looks to the camera and says "Farewell and thanks for watching". He then grabs a cookie and takes a bite, his face scrunches up and he says "EWWWWWWWW". Then the camera is cut and a black screen shows up saying 'Give me ideas for next time'. 


 Spooderman- This video was so cute 

Tacobean- OMG please do one where you show us around 

HarryS- #Irondad

DaniDan- I'm crying. This cracked me up. The spoon tho

IIRROONNMMAANN- When the camera showed Peter and Tony eating all the food

Candle- These videos are the best

Hansel- More!!!??? Pleaseeeeeeee

Gretel- Beauty 

Iliketrains- The picture. I can't lmao




A/N- Let me know what you thought

- M xx

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