White rose

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A/N- I'm tired and it's late but i forgot to write this, was gonna do a sweet one, but thought nah. Also i watched 1917, and i loved it so much, i cried a lot.

T.W-Blood. Sad stuff.

Summary- A white rose means life, a red rose means death.

(Peter's P.O.V)

The bullet sliced through my body, multiple bullets in fact.

Every bullet that passed through my skin, i felt my life fall away a little more.

I know i'm dying.

Blood pools around me as i hear Tony's desperate cries from the phone, begging me to hold on.

It's just a blur of colour, mixing together to make shapes and unreadable objects.

Blinking my eyes into awareness, i put my hand feebly onto the wounds in my skin, my soul and life falling idly to the floor.

My eyes dance over everything, not really focusing on much. But then my eyes land on a white rose, laying on the floor a meter or so away. I smile, blood falling from my mouth as i remember a memory.


I run around the house, Uncle Ben running after me.

"Come here cheeky monkey" Uncle Ben says to the 8 year old.

I giggle, shaking my head and running quicker. Then the door opens and Aunt May walks in. Stopping my run around the house i run to her and hug her.

"Hi Aunt May", i say happily looking to her.

She smiles down at me and says "Hey Petey, i got something for you".

I pull away as she hands me a white rose, "This rose is special, whenever you have one, it means everyone you love is there with you and you can live your life stronger than ever". I smile and hold it close to my heart.


When Uncle Ben died, we took him white roses. May spoke to him, i just cried looking onto the roses laying on his grave, hoping it will give him strength in the next life, and always have us near him.


Then May died, and i took her white roses. Placing them carefully onto her grave, i sit beside her.

"Now you have the ones you love, right there, always with you. You can join Uncle Ben and my parents, being strong and live, even if you aren't in this world anymore". I say, tears cascading down my face.

-End of flashback-

I cough roughly, spitting blood onto the side of the road.

I look over to the rose again, willing my body to move, i roll to my chest, grunting in pain as more blood seeps from my wounds.

Painfully slowly i crawl forward, hand shaking as i reach for the rose.

My hand grips weakly as i roll back onto my back again, already exhausted and feeling numb with the pain.

I pull my arm to the front of me, the rose now laying on my chest, my hand still weakly clutching it.

Now i know, no matter what happens i know i will have the ones i love there; beside me through the pain and suffering, and maybe be strong enough to fight through it with the white rose.

I hear Tony's voice comes back into focus and i hear him say "I'm almost there bud. I just need you to hold on".

I open my mouth to reply but a weak sob falls from my mouth.

I shut my eyes, concentrating my last bit of strength into my vocal chords.

"I love you", i choke out, voice wavering and weak.

I hear a cry from the other end as Tony says "I love you too Petey, i'm nearly there".

Then nothing.

(Third Person P.O.V)

When Tony arrives to his not son, son.

His cries turn to agonising sorrowful pleas.

Peter is laying there, blood surrounding him, chest not moving and eyes closed.

A rose lays on his chest, what once must have been white, has turned red, splotches of the blood decorating the flower: reminding everyone of the death that has taken place, echoing the sorrow.

Tony kneels beside him, wishing he was fast enough to save Peter.

He picks his limp body up, the rose still on the child's chest.

Sobs still ripping through his own chest, Tony holds him closer, making sure the rose is also secure with Peter, Tony too worried that if the rose were to fall or be left behind, Peter would never forgive him.

Tony kisses his head before taking off into the darkening sky, wanting nothing more than to take his kid home.


Tony always knew about what a white rose meant to Peter, he promised himself he would never forget what a white rose really meant.

He was also understanding the world, that the people who deserve it the most, never get a happy ending. He thought it was kind of similar to a white rose, both hard to come by, but amazing to have.


White roses decorated the funeral, everyone standing in black clothing, white roses lighting up the darkness a little.


Kneeling beside the newly placed gravestone he places down a white rose, tears falling freely from his ever tired eyes.

"I promise Petey, i will always have a white rose here for you. So when you feel lonely, you will have everyone you love right there and even though your fight it over, you can fight in the afterlife. I love you so much Pete, I'm so sorry bubba." He cries out, remembering all the good times and all the bad.


Everyday Tony would go to Peter, and give him a white rose.

Even after Tony joined Peter, a white rose would be placed on both Peter and Tony's grave, both side by side.

To most, a white rose had no meaning.

But to Peter, a white rose meant love, life and family.

A red rose meant, pain, hate and death.

The white rose, painted in red, tricked the world, took Peter too early, in false accusation.

A thorn to the beauty, pricking them when they get too close to the truth.

And we guess, Peter was just too close to the beautiful truth to allow the young soul to carry on with his life.




A/N- No comment :)

- M xx

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