The Titan war

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A/N- This is a Percy Jackson crossover, but i plan on not spoiling anything. This will be different from the books, so. Yeah. Also, try not to put any spoilers in the comments for those who have not read them, oh and I know some of this isn't the same as the books, so don't comment and tell me. :)

T.W- Stuff? (Idk)

Summary- With Kronos here, will people come and help, or leave Percy, Annabeth and Nico to fight alone. (BTW IM MAKING PERCY, ANNABETH AND NICO 16 WHILE PETER IS 15 BUT NEARLY 16 K. K)

(Third Person P.O.V)

The three demigods stood in front of the empire state building. Percy holding Riptide close, and watching as the monsters moved closer to them. Annabeth was at his side, clutching her knife with an angry look in her eyes. Nico was on the other side of him, darkness seeming to swirl around him, daring anyone to step close to him. 

Percy knew the fight would be hard. He was hoping and praying to all the gods that they would come, knowing that even with the other demigods and hunters, they wouldn't be able to stop them. 

The sea of monsters parted, showing Kronos walking through. His movements slow, and uncaring. His scythe held in his hand, radiating the power and chaos it could unleash with one slash of the blade. Time seemed to meld around him, slowing down to match the pace the Titan would walk. His armour hugged him close, letting no weapon touch him. 

As doubt was slowly crawling into Percy, a thud was heard beside him. Swiverling quickly on his heal, he saw Spiderman stood beside him. A smile twitched on his face, knowing the other would be around helping to defeat the other monsters. 

Percy had spoken to Peter, knowing he was Spiderman, and was taken to see the avengers. He explained what would happen, and they all agreed to help. They had evacuated the city, which was hard, but thankfully they did. Percy explained they would need to use celestial bronze to kill any monsters. Peter had the idea to mix it with his web fluid, so he could use it against them. 

(Wowcha i feel so ill :( )

Peter smiled a little under the mask, having become quick friends with everyone. He knew this would be hard, but he was unwilling to back down. 

Kronos hardly faltered at the sight of the Spider, but to the others, even seeing the slight falter in his steps made them burn with pride. Knowing they will take him down, they had no other option. 

Kronos stopped, his eyes looked on the four of them. His eyes shining gold and brightly, but they showed the evilness that was within him. The aeons he spent in Tartarus, waiting until now so he could destroy Olympus and take over. The hate for these four grew, knowing he had to get through them before he could take over. 

A smirk contoured his features, his raised his hand. Captivating the attention of all the monsters that surrounded him. He let his fist close, and the monster took that as a sign to attack. 

Hellhounds, giants, Furies and Hydras were the first wave to attack. Swords were swiped through the air, destroying all the monsters that stepped close. The webs would touch the skin of the monsters and they would disintegrate. Nico made warriors rise to help fight, the darkness swarming around him. Percy used Riptide to slash through them all, using the water from the ground or anywhere near him to keep some monsters away while he fought others. Annabeth was at his side, helping to take out all the monsters. 

Kronos watched onwards, hoping with all the waves of monsters he would send that they would soon tire. 

The next wave was sent, bombarding them with more monsters and close to overriding them. Percy saw out of the corner of his eye, as Kronos started to move through the monsters toward the building that went to Olympus. 

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