The finale

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A/N- The tears are already in my eyes, oh God. I love you guys so much.

Summary- Peter goes on a mission, but when something goes wrong, will he be okay, or will it be too late?

(Peter's P.O.V)

"Yay, yay, yay. Thank you dad, you won't regret this I swear." I say, bouncing about in happiness.

Dad rolls his eyes, but a fondness shining in his eyes.

"Yeah yeah kiddo, just stay safe okay." Dad replies, looking at me in a serious manner.

I salute and say, "Promise." I do this while saluting and dad gives me a look, but i see the amusement in his eyes that makes me beam.

I run off and change into my suit, ready to join the others on a mission. They had already left, but because of how bad it is both dad and I got called in. Dad had stopped being iron man, but when he needed to he would always be willing to help. And well, dad didn't like me going to them unless it was really needed, and this time it was.

I come bounding out of my room and meet dad.

"Ready Petey?" He asks, looking at me.

I nod saying, "Let's go defeat some bad guys and fuck some shit up."

Dad turns to me and says, "You know what Uncle Steve would say."

I roll my eye and imitate Uncle Steve and then point a finger and say, "Language."

Dad laughs and ruffles my hair saying, "Exactly, now let's get going."


"Ah finally you guys are here." Uncle Clint says, as dad flies us both in.

Dad drops me down and we begin to fight of the alien looking things.

"Ha ha, very funny. At least we came." I retort, as i tackle one to the floor.

"Both of you be quiet." Uncle Steve says through the comms.

As we continue to fight, i see someone of them start to sprout wings.

"Umm, guys. These things now have wings." I say, a little worried, as there is no where i would be able to catch myself as we seem to be in a desolate place, with only rocks and a cliff in view.

"Shit." Uncle Bucky says, also seeing it.

Everyone gasps and all say 'Language'. Earning a laugh/chuckle from everyone.

Some of the now flying alien things fly towards me, i try to fight them off, along with the land ones, but it doesn't work as i feel a tight grip around my wrists, snapping my web shooters in the process.

I try to wriggle out of the grasp, but instead i begin to rise higher and higher, and away from the fight.

"DAD. HELP" I scream into the comms, getting scared.

I can just about see him look around until his eyes land on me.

"I- ming- te-" I hear, his voice going all crackled.

I look around and see us heading to the edge of the cliff.

"STOP." I scream, but to no avail as the creature doesn't seem to stop.

I see dad getting closer, but so is the cliff.

As we grow closer, i feel the creatures grip on me tighten and hear and feel as my wrist cracks under the sheer pressure. I scream, an ear splitting scream as pain floods through my hand, wrist and arm.

We are now hovering over the edge of the cliff, which drops down a good 300 foot fall to the floor, with rocks littering the floor and the sides.

Dad is now a lot closer, but then i'm falling.

My good arm latches onto the edge, the strain making my muscles pull taunt and scream in agony. I try to pull myself up, but falter with just one arm. I use my broken one and try to put pressure on it, but it hurts so much it makes my vision turn fuzzy and my grip loosen on the rock.

I can just see over the edge as the alien thing tackles dad. As dad takes the thing out, i watch helplessly as the monster puts some kind of liquid on his arc reactor. But before it can do anything dad is already killing it.

Just as the monster dies, i watch as dad's suit seems to falter and then it's folding back into itself.

"Dad." I cry out, feeling my grip waver.

Dad looks up and runs to me, cursing under his breath as he tries to get the suit back.

Just as he is about to reach me, i feel my arm give out and i'm falling again.

An arm latches onto my good arm, but only just grabbing my hand.

"I got you Petey, i'm so sorry bubba." Dad cries, now half hanging off the cliff.

Tears fall from my eyes as i try to grip his hand, but not being able to get a sturdy grip.

"I love you dad." I whimper as i feel the grip between us start to slip.

I feel his other arm latch onto mine and he says, "no no no, i won't let go of you."

But it doesn't work, as i feel my fingers begin to slip out of his.

"Dad." I cry out quietly, looking nowhere else but him.

"I love you so much kiddo, nothing will happen, you'll be okay." Dad says, like he is also reassuring himself.

"FRIDAY SUIT." dad cries in desperation. But nothing happens.

"I love you dad. I'm sorry." I say, as i feel my hand slip from his.

Then i'm falling, but this time there isn't anything to catch me.

"NO PETER." I hear dad scream from above me.

I don't know if i scream, or cry. But all i know is i keep my eyes on my dad as i continue my decent.

"I love you dad." I whisper, the wind taking my words and passing them on as i close my eyes, getting ready for the impact of the fall.




A/N- I'm crying now, wow. I'm sorry for the cliffhanger, ha ha, literally. I know it's mean, but i wanted to do this, to give me a chance to carry on this book, but in another one.

- M xx

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