Lost and found

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A/N- Everyone's school is closed and my school is like, come on we have exams. Like i have so many exams and homework and revision sessions after school that it is killing me. Now my school has closed for year 9 and 10, I'm year 11. End me please, I'm so tired of it all. (Rant over. Sorry)

T.W- I don't know...

Summary- When something bad happens and Peter finally wakes up, and something has changed. Will Tony be able to help, or will he break. (I'm the author i can do what i like, this will be mostly wrong with science or whatever but i don't care.) 

(Peter's P.O.V)

Waking up and not recognising anyone is a strange feeling. There was a nagging at the back of my mind, telling me I should know these people, and yet. I couldn't quite place names to faces.

The familiar eyes, that always seemed to calm me. The glow of blue, and the voice making me feel safe. And yet I still couldn't name them.

The familiar softness of the MIT hoodie that is a few sizes too big, the smell makes memories surface, of laughter and crying and hugs. But they aren't quite clear, all a bit muffled and blurry.

"Peter. You with me bud" the person says, lightly holding my chin in his hand, looking me dead in the eyes, searching for something unknown.

Looking around i see everyone else has left and it is just me and this person that i know i should know, but i can't.

Looking back into the man's eyes, who is still searching for something, i look into their eyes. Trying to grab at the memories that are just at the edge of my grasp, taunting me with the memories. 

Tears prick my eyes as i let me gaze drop, everything feels so wrong and i feel more lost than ever. 

"I'm sorry. I-i don't remember you. I k-know i s-should but i c-can't a-and i w-want to r-remember you, i-i s-sor-" I stutter out, only to be interrupted by a hand grabbing mine and the man talking.

"Stop Petey. It's okay bambi, it's not your fault." The man says, looking at me with pain eating away in his eyes. 

He takes a deep breath, seeming to try and control his emotions as he says "How much do you remember bud."

I close my eyes and think for a moment, i remember so much, nearly everything. But this man, and those people, it's like they have vanished, or been ripped from my memory. 

Shaking my head lightly i open my eyes and look into his eyes whispering "Everything. But you. I'm sorry"

I can see something in the man's eyes that brings sadness to me. 

"Well kiddo. What do you say about me telling you some stories of us." He asks me. 

I smile and nod.

He holds out his hand and i shake it as he says "I'm Tony". 

(This is like Tony telling Peter the story)

-Third Person-

The class walked into the tower, all looking forward to looking around, and maybe seeing an avenger. 

After some time they go into a lab and create something. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are there to judge their creations and chose a winner. 

They arrive to a boy, maybe 14 or 15. Tony looks down and is amazed to see a replica of his arc reactor.

Shocked, the billionaire decided to give him an internship. 

"Welcome aboard Peter" Tony says to the young boy in front of him. 


When Tony found out about Peter being Spiderman, he made Peter promise that if he were ever hurt. Peter agreed, knowing Tony only wanted the best for Peter. 

The phone rings and Tony is quick to answer it, seeing it's Peter who is calling. 

"Kid. You okay" Tony asks, worry seeping into his bones. 

"Help" Peter says, voice raspy and cracking. 

Within seconds Tony is in his suit and barreling through the air, following the little beeping red dot that is somewhere off in the distance. 

"I'm coming Petey, i'm coming" Tony says, desperately wanting the suit to hurry up. 


Peter was broken. Tony knew that. 

May, his last living relative died. And Peter didn't know what to do, or who to go with. He was heart broken, and it hurt Tony to see his kid this sad and down. 

Tony knew he couldn't let them take him, couldn't let strangers take his kid from him. So after talking to Pepper, he had decided. 

"Pete" Tony asks cautiously as he walks into the teens room. 

Peter barely looks up, tears spilling from his eyes, face blotchy and eyes ever so sad.

"Bubby, i want to ask you something. And this is your choice okay" Tony says as he takes a seat on the bed beside Peter. 

Peter sniffs and nods, waiting to hear what Tony says. 

Clearing his throat Tony says "I want to adopt you."

Peter was in Tony's arms within an instant crying his heart out as he nods furiously into Tony's chest, thanking him over and over.


Tony knocks on the door and walks in, a smile plastered on his face. 

"Ready for movie night, everyone is waiting" Tony says.

Peter turns around and smiles widely and replies "Coming dad."

After a minute he runs into the common room and sees he aunties and uncles all sat around. He sits between his mum and dad and leans against them. 

-We back to Peter-

Memories flood my mind as i recall all that happend. The man firing something at me while on patrol, then waking up and remembering nothing about my family. 

The happiness, the tears, the love all comes back and i can feel the tears fall slowly down my face. 

I bring my dad's hoodie to my nose, inhaling the scent that somehow always calms me. 

I look up to my dads teary eyes as i whisper "Dad."




A/N- I hope you liked this

- M xx

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