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Peter always knew he was strong, but never this strong...

(Peter's P.O.V)

Anger was swarming my vision as Tony was dragged away from me. We had been out and something had hit us before we could react. When i woke up Tony was already there and awake.

Now the men have come back and taken Tony, i pull helplessly on my restraints begging them to let him go. They didn't. The metal door slams behind them, shaking the entire room.

"STOP. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS" i scream out trying so hard to get out.

Suddenly the wall seems to be pulled away, like glass. Tony is strapped to some kind of table, the man standing over him, an evil sneer on his face. I make eye contact and i can see his pleading eyes begging me to help. To do something. Anything.

The man seems to sense this and looks back to me, he laughs maniacally as he looks to Tony and says "I think we should wait a little before we get too it. I'll give you two some space" he chuckles out, tears build in my eyes as he punches Tony square in the face, effectively knocking him out.

This man is very contradicting.

He walks out leaving us there, Tony is still not awake and blood drips down his face.

"Tony" i whisper out in fear.

He doesn't stir so i shout "TONY", my voice cracks at the end yet he doesn't stir.

Emotions rising the first word i think comes out of my mouth, "DAD", i shout desperately.

He stirs this time and cracks his eyes open, a sigh of relief escapes my lips as he looks to me.

"Dad" i cry out, i need to get out of here.

"Kid" Tony replies weakly, "What do we do?" i ask almost silently.

In response Tony pulls at his restraints, nothing happens and he looks back to me, remorse and sorrow in his eyes.

"I don't know Petey. I don't know" he says.

My brain works at one hundred miles an hour as i look around my room, i see no cameras but sadly no weapons. Looking down at my restraints i see thick (Thicc) metal pieces wrapped tightly around my wrists and ankles.

I tug slightly, using my super strength. I can feel it start to strain under the pressure so i pull harder at one of the restraints holding my wrist in place. A few tugs later and one wrist is free, looking up i catch Tony's eyes and see hope spark in his eyes.

Seeing this encourages me to keep going, so i do. Soon all the restraints have snapped and i can move around.

I know i have to be quick, knowing the man won't be gone for long.

Stretching my limbs i walk closer to Tony and whisper "Stay quite, i'm getting us out".

"I should be getting us out Kid, not you" he says in a sad tone, i shake my head replying with "Not this time dad".

A smile appears on his face as he says "Stay safe son".

I nod and then hold my finger to my lips to signal to be silent.

Walking to the door i put my ear against the cold metal and listen. Hearing nothing i take a step back and look at the door.

I know that the door isn't vibranium but i know it's steel. I knock lightly and listen using my senses, (Don't ask how this works ok, this is my logic for this story to work)i wait for the echo and count.

With normal steel, you could knock against it and it would echo straight away, with every second you wait is another inch that the thickness of the metal is.

7 seconds pass and i hear the echo, i sigh 7 inches of pure steel.

Not good.

I sigh as i take a step back and crack my knuckles.

I walk but to the door and close my eyes, I focus all my energy and strength into my fists.

Opening my eyes once more i pull my fist back and send it flying toward the steel door.

When my fist connects i hear the thud and feel pain ricochet back into my knuckles, i ignore the pain and look to the door, a dent evident in it's pristine form.

I know i need to speed up, knowing the sound would have alerted someone of what is happening.

My fist connects again to the door, more strength and pain added to my knuckles. But i need to keep going, I have to get us out.

Over and over again my fists connect with the door, i can hear and feel my bones cracking and snapping under the force, and see the blood drip, but the door dents more and becomes weaker at the hinges.

I can hear distant shouting, making me punch harder and faster.

With one last brutal blow to the door, it flies of it's hinges. My hands are numb, but i can feel the distant pain trying to crawl it's way into my system.

I step out of the room and see a door beside mine, quickly i walk over to it and shout "DAD".

"Pete" i can hear his voice echo back, that is all the noise i need for me to take a step back, i can see the men running down the long and run down hall, trying to stop me.

I run full speed at the door, my shoulder hits the door and it swiftly falls down from the force of the hit.

I run into the room and see my dad still strapped down, "I'm here" i say as i run to him.

A sigh of relief escapes his lips and a smile takes over his face.

Grabbing a hold of his restraints i pull them and they break easily under the pressure.

I help dad stand and then the men run into the room. Just before they can fire any weapons at us a shield flies in and hits all the men.

Steve walks in and i laugh saying "someones a little late".

Still ignoring the pain in my hands as we walk out i say "can we have some apple juice?"

My dad laughs and says "of course you can kiddo".




A/N- :)

- M xx

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