HYDRA's Ex Spider

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A/N- I was thinking of doing a whumptober, but obviously it's not October. So I was thinking of starting it near December cause why not. If you want me to do it i can. It would be a whole book tho, and maybe not daily updates as I have exams over December but let me know.

Summary- Peter was rescued from HYDRA when he was nine. He was trained to be the next winter solider but he was rescued and joined the avengers family being adopted by Tony and Pepper. He has slowly been learning to remove his trigger words. 

(Third P.O.V)

It's been six years.

Six years since Peter Parker, once known as SPIDER 009 and he couldn't be happier.

He now has a dad, Tony and a mum, Pepper.

Not only that but Uncles and Aunts.

He finally had a family.

He and Shuri have been working on removing his trigger words, it's been working, kind off, they still aren't one hundred percent sure it will work. 

(Peter's P.O.V)

Me and dad are currently shopping.

I know boring, but i don't care.

As we walked through the crowded mall i felt my spidey senses blare in my head.

Stopping i look around, dad turns and looks at me "what's up Pete?" he questions worriedly.

I quickly pull him closer to me and say "somethings wrong".

His eyes widen as he nods and calls his suit.

Turning to me again he says "the suit should be here in 5. Think we will be okay before then" (I know there is nano tech but pretend there isn't thank you).

Before i can answer  there is a bang and men in black start to pour (FOR?????) into the mall, surrounding us. 

Everyone runs and me and dad try to follow the mass of people, but it doesn't work as we are dragged back into the middle.

Straight away i notice them as HYDRA and gulp scared they will change me back to the thing i have been trying to get as far away from.

I see dad tense beside me, obviously aware of who they are. 

"SPIDER 009. Is that you. Well we have missed you" a man says, stepping out of the mass of men.

I recognise him straight away as the general, the one who was in charge of me throughout my time at HYDRA, i shiver at the thought and the sound of his icy voice.

I back up slightly, closer to my dad. He puts an arm on my shoulder pulling me into his chest, trying to protect me.

"Didn't you miss me SPIDER. After all, i am your creator" he says, edging closer to us while the others close in dangerously around us.

Daringly i look into his eyes and say loudly "shut. Up."

His evil grin disappears and is replaced with a dangerous anger.  

I look down and see we still have 4 minuets to wait. Next thing i know they are moving closer and me and my dad are separated. I try to fight but i know i can't, there is just to many. I have my hands pinned behind my back as the General walks closer to me, i quickly look to the side and see my dad held back, similar to how i am. 

The general is in front of me and grabs my face, pulling it up to look into his eyes.

I whimper as at the action, everything from HYDRA coming back.

He smirks coldly and says "We want out SPIDER back".

I know what is happening and i focus all my thoughts on my dad and my family, everything. 

"Homecoming" he says.

I shut my eyes tightly and clench my fists, i hear my dad fighting to get out of the hold. 


I am let go of the grip and fall to the floor holding my head, it hurts so much. I can feel my memories try to slip away but i won't let them. 


"Stop" i whimper as he says it. I can't do, i can't hold them back. Just then i hear dad shout my name, i focus solely on his voice blocking everything else out.


This time my memories stay in place, i still shake my head and act like they are fading. I have a plan. 

"Order" he finally says.

My memories are still there, i HATE HYDRA. But they don't know that. 

I fall quite and stand, wiping my face of all emotion.

"Ready to comply" i say emotionless, i see the smirk grow on commanders face, and see my dads face fall.

"Your mission is to kill Tony Stark" He says, amusement in his voice.

"Yes Sir. Hail HYDRA" i say.

He replies with "Hail HYDRA" as i walk over to my dad. 

The men holding him let go of his arms and he falls to his knees, emotion dripping from his face.

"It's okay Petey. It's okay. You tried kiddo. I know you did." He whispers as his eyes drop to the floor.

Instead of complying to my mission, i do the opposite.

I attack the men closes to me and take them down within seconds with my webs.

My dad seems to understand and just as he stands his suit flies in and encases his body. 

We fight until everyone is down. I see the general start to run but i web him to the floor and throw a punch knocking him out. 

I turn to my dad as he steps out of his suit, within seconds i am pulled into a huge hug as my dad says "I am so proud of you Pete. So so proud".

I hug him back tightly and say "I wouldn't let them take it all away from me. Not again". 

I was finally free from HYDRA. I finally beat them. 




A/N- This isn't very good, sorry.

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