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Tons of people were staring toward the poster that was placed.As they were whispering among themselves.While looking toward this newly poster.Which read:


The Violet Rose Riders 

For Theft Reward Pending 

Don't approach them.They could be armed.

People were talking among themselves shocked to hear that there was another gang's on the loose. Neitherless to say they were more in shock themselves.While there was 5 figures standing behind them remaining quiet.

"I can't believed that there is another gang on the loose." An man said

The Elder Women nod looking toward the poster.

"Yes but they aren't the bigger problem.The most dangerous one of all is Black Ravens." The Elderly Women said.

As the crowd has desperse only 5 people remain.Except they were wearing clorks concealing themselves.As they were staring toward the poster.As one of them sighed.

"We are not bad.They don't understand our reason for doing this." She said.

As she turn away walking.

Catch Them If You Can (TBD To Be Decided to Continue Or Not)Where stories live. Discover now