The Chase

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As they were fleeing from the Berk Watch Patrol.Fishlegs look back to see the Berk Patrol on their tail.Except for Hiccup with the night fury which was leading the pack.He than look toward the others.

"I hope you have something plan.We are going to get caught.They will find out who we are.Than we end up in jail.I don't know if I can even handle jail.Me and Meatlug aren't cut out for prison." Fishlegs said.

As Hiccup,Snotlout,Tuffnut on their dragons following behind.But they needed to stopped them.Before they take any stepped further.Before they try and escape.

"Alright bud, plasma blast.But don't hurt them.We need to try and stopped them on their tracks." Hiccup said.

Toothless begin to fire his plasma blast.As they were dodging the attack.Heather looked back.She knew that they can't reveal their secret hiding location.She than look toward Astrid.

"Should we throw them off the loop on a fake location of where we are hiding? Liked we had done to those who had been chasing us?"  Heather asked.

Astrid looked toward Heather.As she than look back.

"No.You and Fishlegs go ahead.Me,Iduna,and Ruffnut we are going to keep them off the trail.We will fight them off." Astrid said

Watching Fishlegs and Heather,going off ahead of them.While she,Iduna,Ruffnut turn to confront the Berk Watch Patrol.

"Three coming at us." Tuffnut said.

Snotlout turn his attention to the 3 incoming heading their way. "Alright lets prepared to fire toward these gangsters.Get ready Hookfang."

Toothless plasma blast to prevent Hookfang from attacking.Snotlout looked toward Hiccup with the expression "What's the big idea?"

"We aren't going to attack.We are going to first confront them.In a peaceful manner without any violence.If they throw the first fire.Than we will respond back." Hiccup said turning his attention to the three incoming figures, "We are not here to hurt you.We just want to talk.

Astrid while hiding behind the clerk.She lean closer bit to Stormfly "Stormfly spine shot.

As Stormfly begin to whip her tail around as the spines begin to head their way.As Hiccup,Snotlout,Tuffnut dodgee the attack.

"Looks liked they aren't here for a peaceful talk." Tuffnut said.

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