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Nevin:I love cats but he's a not stereotypical cat. No, Nevin Prentice is just your average laidback teenager. You see, Heather and Nevin are just your typical friends with their own quirks and baggage. Nevin, however, doesn't have any baggage as he's honestly the second best off from the girls, having been raised in a normal, stable environment all his life by two loving mothers.  I mean, come on, not every character in this series has to have a tragic backstory for them to be interesting. Well, to be honest, I would've had him dealing with a strict father whose like that because of his other father's death but I figured that trope has been done to death. Sure, Nevin can be a bit brash and impulsive sometimes but most teenagers can be. What he makes up for those relatable flaws of his is his talkative and upbeat nature, as well as the positivity he brings with him everyday being something he shares with Officer Nathan.

Heather:This girl has really had it rough. I mean, her parents were complete jack offs to her all because they didn't choose to have her. Sam and Nevin were her only friends as they tried to help her cope with her situation the best they could but it eventually ended with her sadly being sent to RSBC for treatment due to a mental breakdown she had from nearly being hurt by her parents after running away from them and living with Sam. Thankfully, her abusive parents were sent to jail for good as Ashely and Lieutenant Carter were there to stop them from hurting her any further then they already have. Her backstory was a very complicated one to create while making her as originally, while my fan made version of the Alta Heroes series was still on my mind, that version of the superhero team would've came across her and befriended her only to learn about her overly strict parents. There would've been a two to three episode arc covering her mental state as a result of the upbringing she was suffering from where this would all lead to her nearly killing her parents in revenge before being stopped by the Alta Heroes from making a decision she would forever regret, eventually leading to her being sent away for treatment and her parents being sent away to prison for good. Of course, there would've been episodes of her showcasing her recovery and the team visiting her like the kind people they were. But, I figured it would've sugarcoated the situation so I went with this story instead. It will be a long process for Heather to recover but I don't want this character to be just another abuse victim recovering from her scars. No, she's way more then that. Heather Thomas is a kind and friendly girl whose just trying to get though her issues with the love and support of her friends backing her up.

Nathan:Police officers are supposed to be the ones who serve the public trust, protect the innocent, and uphold the law. They're also supposed to be ready for any situation and adapt if things get out of hand. Sadly, some officers do not handle that responsibility well as some turn corrupt and abuse their position in order to get what they want. But, thankfully, some brave men and women handle the responsibilities of an officer of the law very well, some almost too well. Sometimes, though rare, police officers go beyond the call of duty and do more then expected of them to help others in need. This rare attribute is what describes Nathan Blueheart's kindness and bright outlook on life. A man of many words, and a friend to many, Nathan is the man who always sees the good in everyone and always wishes those on the wrong path would eventually find their way back to the light. He is a total extrovert, always seen talking with friends and positively conversing with others he just met. Overall, Nathan's just a great guy and a wonderful friend, nuff said.

Commissioner Lovecraft:Police officers see a lot on the job, some things that can scare anyone for life. Police Commissioner Vincent Lovecraft, a man dedicated to the protection of Fic-City and Lieutenant Carter's mentor/father figure, is one such person. He is gruff but he's also considerate and remorseful if his behavior gets out of line. Episode six of the main series;"First Day Into New Territory", showcases this perfectly when an argument between Vincent and Dennis occurs over the Alta Heroes and their involvement in dealing with the Macabre, leading to Vincent tactlessly calling the Macabre freaks which infuriated Dennis. The man later apologized to his protege and explained that it was the stress of their return, coupled with the events previous that the police have been struggling with, that made him lash out as he did. Vincent complained a bit about how he wishes things would return back to normal for the police, only to be told by Dennis that nothing lasts forever. He's not a jerk, though he can be sometimes, as he only cares about the wellbeing of his city and isn't crazy about all the changes that've happened to his police career. Dragons are beings of power and intensity which is why I've made him a green anthropomorphic dragon. And, yes, the last name is from the horror novelist.

Alex:Ok, so let me get something straight here. No, she's not a plot device needed for Jennifer's redemption. Yes, Jennifer looks up to her and, yes, they've met in the past. Let's get back to the Macabre for a second, as I want all of you to understand that they're not villains but antiheroes. They were trying to help people, but as we've seen, that didn't go so well due to their inability to connect with each other and mental instability. Getting back to Alex Prescott, she's her own person. A confident, passionate, and laidback horror novelist who'd rather work on her stories then spend time with people, though she's not completely closed off as she does spend time with people now and again, Lieutenant Carter being one of those people as the two are close friends and have previously been in a relationship. This also applies to how she treats her fans as Alex isn't a jerk to them but wants to focus on one thing at a time. Episode twelve;"Unexpected Results From Compassionate Visits", her very first appearance coincidently, displays how she does her business during autographs where she makes little eye contact with people and keeps her conversations with people to a minimum. I'd like to think of her as like a female version of MrCreepyPasta as the two do have much sarcasm in their personality as well as the excellent narrative they bring to their stories despite their dark subject matter.

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