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Fearmeister:Originally, this villain was the big bad of the Alta Heroes series. An aspiring villain whom may not be such a villain after all, Fearmeister was the quirky but scary looking villain whom always gave our heroes a difficult time trying to stop him by forcing them to face their inner demons every time his retractable claws would poke into their skin, causing them to go into a trance fighting against their deepest fears. Fearmeister wouldn't want to kill them. After all, what would he do without them? This also applies to his inability to kill innocent people, as that's just not who he is. Around the other villains, the Duke Of Power would be annoyed by his quick witted attitude but Glamorous Beauty would enjoy his company and The Hunter would tolerate him at best. However, I decided to make him this villain as I wanted to spice things up for this version of the series. Cold, sadistic, and frightening, Fearmeister has been terrorizing Fic-City for the past two years out of his own enjoyment and pleasure, involving torturing and murdering any whom he comes across. Essentially, him and the Duke Of Power switched roles in a way. Taking a hiatus after nearly being killed by the Macabre, whom had arguably become more scarier then him, Fearmeister comes back into action when he soon catches wind of the Alta Heroes' first appearance. Binding his time, the figure studied the young heroes, learning about their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses before making himself known to them in the second episode of the main series;"Finally, A Proper Challenge", where he taunts them with knowledge about their respective pasts and forces them to question why they're even heroes in the first place. To prove something to themselves, to anyone? To finally find their purpose in life? This nearly broke our teen heroes if it hadn't been for Lieutenant Carter, Sam, and Dr.Mackinder stepping in and helping them remind themselves why they're here in the first place, giving them the strength to confront Fearmeister and bring an end to his reign of terror once and for all. For those who're wondering why he didn't cause any chaos during that time, it was mainly because he didn't want to break our heroes any further and he didn't want to interfere in their recovery process. You see, Fearmeister had grown bored with his line of work as, besides the Macabre, whom he's deeply afraid of, no has been able to give him a proper challenge and he wasn't going to let this one to waste. Getting back to the villains eventual downfall, The Alta Heroes and the police would've succeeded in arresting him if he hadn't used Carter as a hostage to be set free in a frantic, rage fueled state due to the team using his past against him. Another trait of his that isn't shown often is his efforts to try and forget his past as he doesn't want to be remembered as who he once was but rather as the person he is now. Broken and tired, Fearmeister was in the process of planning his revenge when the Macabre appeared in front of him and ended his life before he could harm another living being. Yes, he was heavily inspired by the Batman villain Scarecrow and he would've had some of his powers but I didn't want him to be a ripoff so I had his powers be fueled by the fear the city has for him. Overall, his presence will be dying down but those who've been tormented by him the most will never forget the damage he's done to them, this very city even.

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