Chapter 4

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Tommy POV

I woke up with a jolt in my room with a gasp. I flew off my bed and stood in a fighting stance, looking around confused. I looked down at my clothes to see they were torn and blood stained. I searched my pockets. "What the hell?" I asked as I felt an object in my jean pocket. I took out the object to see the green stone. "How am I here?" I asked. I set the stone on my dresser and shook my head. I went to the door and pulled it open. My eyes went wide as I literally pulled the entire door off its hinges with one hand. My jaw dropped as I stared at the door in my hand. I silently gasped and looked around dropping the door to the floor. The door knob had been war[ed into four dents that matched my fingers...I looked at my hand shocked. "Tommy? What was that?" My father called from downstairs. "What in the-" I whispered looking from my hand to the fallen door on the floor to the hallway outside my room. My eyes widened even more. "Uh...N-nothing! I just...tripped!" I shouted. "On what?" He asked. " know...on the..uh...on the floor." I said raising a brow hoping that was believable. "So let me get this straight. You tripped...on the floor. The flat floor." My dad stated and I could practically see him scoff and chuckle. "...Yeaaahh. I know weird, right? I was just walking and the floor...just...came out of nowhere." I stated while trying to put the door back on the hinges. It stood up for about 5 seconds before falling back to the floor. My face screwed up in a look that usually read, 'Damn...that had to hurt.' "That was me! Again. I...uh...tripped. Again." I shouted.

I grabbed my bag that was hooked around my desk chair. I pulled and heard a snap as the chair broke in two. I held my bag up to my face and looked at the right armrest of the chair hanging from the strap with wide eyes. I hurried out my room and immediately headed back inside dropping the bag to the floor. I slowly opened my dresser with two fingers and grabbed a pair of clothes. I closed the dresser again and ran out to the bathroom. I froze after seeing the green stone on the sink counter. I dropped my clothes and walked over to it, picking it up. "How?" I whispered. I furrowed my eyebrows before shaking my head. I took off the shredded clothes and glanced into the mirror. I held my new shirt in my teeth and looked back in the mirror. The shirt fell to the floor as I looked in the mirror. I looked down at my torso to see I had abs now. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed. "Tommy!" My father yelled. "Sorry!" I apologized touching them to make sure it was real and I wasn't dreaming still. I quickly changed into my clothes and picked up my destroyed ones. I looked at them and looked out the bathroom into the hallway. I looked back at the clothes in my hands and ran out the bathroom. I opened my closet and shoved my clothes in the far back corner of the dark closet. I stood up and sighed with a smile. "What are you doing?" I screamed as I jumped. I looked to the right to see my father. "Dad! Hi!" I said with a smile. "What the hell happened to your door?" He asked looking at the door on the floor of my bedroom. "It must've had a loose bolt or something because I opened it and *smack*" I said clapping my hands and pointed at the door. My dad furrowed his eyebrows. "How do you explain your chair then?" He asked jerking his chin at the chair behind me. I turned and looked at it. "Uh...would you believe me if I told you I had superpowers?" I said. My dad rolled his eyes. "Oh my god, Tommy." My dad said shaking his head. "If you didn't like the chair you could've just told me. You didn't have to break the damn thing." My dad said walking over to the chair and picking it up. "You're gonna fix that door." He said. "Right!" I said with a nod and smile. He looked at me seriously. "I it." I said losing the smile. My dad shook his head and left my room. I let out a sigh and shook my head. I looked at the time and ran out my room grabbing my bag. I stopped at the doorway and spun around. I took a step and stretched my arm out grabbing my phone. I pulled it to me and finally ran out the room and house.

I stood in the hall of the school and felt strange as I looked around. I shook my head as I opened my locker. "This is insane. None of this is real." I told myself. I turned and found myself face to face with a recent acquaintance of mine. "Uh oh." I said as I watched the fist of Ty Fleming flying towards my face. I dodged out the way back-stepping as Ty kept swinging. "Okay. Ty. I know you're mad might not be the best day to do this." I said with hands raised. "Too bad." Ty said as he slammed his fist into my gut. I didn't feel anything as I looked down at Ty's fist. He looked at me with wide eyes. He slammed his fist into the side of my face. I didn't even flinch as Ty held his hand with a pained expression on his face. Ty fell to the floor clutching his hurt hand. He got back up before headbutting me in the face. I flinched as Ty collapsed to the floor in front of me. I looked up. "Okay." I said closing my locker. I looked around and backed away, rubbing the back of my head. I walked around the corner and leaned against a table. I heard a crack and a loud snap as the table collapsed in two under me. "Whoa!" I exclaimed as I fell to the floor. Well...I thought so. I actually front-flipped forward and landed on my feet. I let out a breath as I looked behind me and back in front of me.

I sat at a table staring at my hands in front of me. I closed my eyes and shook my head. I stood up and went to the vending machine and got a can of soda. "Did you hear? Tommy Oliver knocked Ty Fleming out cold!" I heard someone say. "Is it me? Or did Tommy get hotter?" A girl said. My eyes widened as I looked up from the floor. I grabbed my drink and walked back to my table. A group of girls smiled and waved at me. I chuckled nervously with a smile and waved back as I walked passed them. I sat at the table drumming my fingers along the table. I saw someone in my peripheral vision and glanced over to see Kimberly down beside me. "Tommy. We need to talk." Kimberly said raising her eyebrows briefly. "Since when does Tommy Oliver hang out with Kimberly Hart?" A girl asked. She got up and walked to the lunch line. I stood up and followed her. "Tommy, look at me." She said as I looked at my hands. "Huh?" I asked looking up at her. "Do you feel weird?" She asked me. "You mean like weirder than usual?" I asked for clarification furrowing my eyebrows. "Yeah. Different." She said setting the pink stone down on the metal shelf next to us. I looked down at it. I pulled out the green stone and set it down next to hers. The red stone was put between them by Jason and the blue one set down next to Kimberly's by Billy. "Listen, we know something happened up there, okay? I'm not the same." Jason said. "Me either. OH! I'm strong." Billy said. "How strong?" Kimberly asked him. "Like, insanely strong." Billy said. "I feel different." I said with a nod. "Different how?" Jason asked. "Different as in waking up in my bed being freakishly super strong and practically invulnerable." I said. "You too?" Billy asked with a smile. "I practically destroyed my bedroom...getting ready. I had to tell my dad that my bedroom door fell off because of a loose bolt. I was even sucker punched in the gut by Ty Fleming...and I didn't even feel it. Not even the punch to my face or the headbutt." I said in a whisper. "I feel like we need to go back up there." Kimberly said. I heard a rattling and looked down at the stones. They began to rise into the air. Jason slammed a hand down on the red stone and I slammed a hand down on the green stone. So did Kimberly and Billy. "The counter's boiling." Jason said. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around. The counter began to heat up and all of the food began to boil and spray everywhere. I jumped at the sound of glass shattering. The four of us turned around and watched as food and drinks splattered onto the floor, spraying the students. We looked at each other. "We're going back today." Jason said. "Yeah." I said in unison with Kimberly, grabbing our stones and following Jason. Billy walked next to us as we left the school and went back to the mines.

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