Chapter 11

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Kimberly POV

"But it was a accident, okay?" Billy said. "Of course." Trini said. "My lunchbox was in my locker. Boom goes the lunchbox, in detention goes Billy." Billy said. "But let's not forget that Kimberly Hart and Tommy Oliver were also in detention, too, so..." Billy said. I looked at Tommy who tensed up as did I. "Not tonight. Skip me." I said. "What about you, dude?" Zack asked looking at Jason. "Why don't you tell us who you really are?" Zack asked him. "Because everyone knows exactly who I am." Jason said. "Okay." Zack said. "Tommy...what about you?" Jason asked. We all looked at Tommy. "I'm Tommy." Tommy said standing up. "Hi, Tommy." We said. "I live alone with my dad." Tommy said. "You mean Batman?" Billy asked. "Yep. Billy. My dad is Batman." Tommy joked before getting serious again. "But it wasn't always like that..." Tommy said staring into the fire. "My mother...died...a couple of years ago. She, uh, she was murdered actually...during a break-in at our house, while I was at school." Tommy said. "She...died...because of me." Tommy said looking up at us with tears at his eyes. "I'm not the same person you guys are seeing right now...I, uh, I used to get into fights with bullies. But I've tried to steer clear from them. And when I think that I'm good...I find myself in another fight. I don't know what it is. Maybe there's something wrong with me. But...that year....I tried to keep myself from getting into fights....and for a while...I was doing good." Tommy said. " day...I couldn't stop it. I got into a fight with a bully...and I got myself thrown into the principal's office. The principal called my dad and he was pissed when he arrived at the school. I've never seen him so mad." Tommy said as he looked down at his feet. "Then...we...came home...and found mother...dead. I promised myself I wouldn't fight but on that day, on that godforsaken day....I got into a fight...and she died. Because of me. Because I got into a fight, my dad had to drive all the way to the school to pick me up...leaving my mother defenseless. If I hadn't gotten into that stupid mother would probably still be alive..." Tommy said quietly. "Some days...when it gets close to the anniversary of her father doesn't look me in the eye. He blames me for the death of his wife. Somewhere, deep inside, I know he's not wrong. Ever since, she father hasn't been the same person. Sometimes...I say to myself that he'd be better off if I wasn't there. I only see myself as a constant reminder to him that I am the mother is dead." Tommy said.

"I mean its not bad all the time...we talk to each other. But not like we used to. Over the past two years...I think he's come to terms with her death...because...all of their photos together have been put away. I can tell...he doesn't see me the same way anymore. Like I'm some...thing...that just refuses to go away. So...I'm rarely at my house these days. I go to school and come straight get away. Away from school, from I got nothing going for me anymore. I lost my friends. My dad. My mom. Everything. That was until I decided to jump off a cliff and scare the living hell out of these two." Tommy said pointing at Jason and me. "What I don't get is why you were in detention?" Billy asked. "Isn't it obvious? I got into a accident, anyways. I accidentally kicked Ty Fleming in the face." Tommy said. "How do you accidentally kick someone in the face?" Jason asked furrowing his eyebrows. "Easy, really. Football. I kicked something. It just wasn't the ball. It was his face." Tommy said with a smile.

"What about you, crazy girl?" Zack asked Trini. "I could tell you anything and you'd have to believe me." Trini said. "Okay, um...I'm the new girl. Always. Three schools in three years. What's crazy is I like it that way, you know, it's just easier. Nobody ever has to get to know me and my parents don't have to worry about my relationships." Trini said. "Boyfriend troubles?" Zack asked. "Yeah. Boyfriend troubles." Trini said looking at him. He thought for a moment. "Girlfriend troubles?" He asked. "My family is so normal. Too normal. They believe in labels. They'd like for me to, uh, dress differently. Talk more. Have the kind of friends they want me to have. It's just, I don't know how to tell them what's really going on with me. And I've never said any of this out loud." Trini said. "Well, it's cool. You're with us now." Billy said. "Am I? What does that mean? When all this is over. Are we Power Rangers or are we friends?" Trini asked. "What's the difference?" Tommy asked breaking the silence. 

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