Chapter 17

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I ran to the Zords and looked at the Dragonzord. "Hey there big guy." I said to it as it looked down at me. A dagger appeared in my hand that wasn't there a minute ago. "Okay...if you're gonna do're staying this time." I told the dagger. I ran to the Zord and jumped into it. It was biggest Zord of the six Zords. The others got into their respective Zords. "This is a lot different than the van." Billy said over the comms. "Whoa!" I exclaimed as the Zord stood up. "Easy! Easy!" I said keeping my balance. "Hey! Why do you guys get to sit? Why am I the only standing?" I asked. "Because you get to the biggest Zord and the gold chest-plate. That's why." Zack said. "Can't argue with that logic." I said cocking my head to the right briefly. "Alright...Dragonzord. Show me what you can--Whoa!!!!" I scream as the Dragonzord blasted down the cave. "Whoo! Yippie-kay-yay, motherfu...Mother's good. Mother's good." Billy yelled. "Go, go, Power Rangers!" Alpha 5 said.

We exited the cave behind me and ran next to each other down to Angel Grove. "I'm not going the right way! What? Jason, I'm going backwards." Billy yelled. I looked out of the Zord to see Billy's Triceratops Zord running in reverse. I laughed. I looked down at the dagger in my hand. We arrived to Angel Grove. "Guys, our town. She's destroying it." Kim said. I looked over to see Goldar slam a fist into a building. "Rita and her golden boy haven't found Krispy Kreme yet." Kim added. "Let's try to keep it that way." I said. "Okay, Kim, you hold them there. Zack, Billy, you circle the Krispy Kreme and make sure it's safe." Jason said. "I'm heading straight for Goldar." Jason said. "Not without me your not." I said. "Copy! I'll hold her off." Kim said. "Kim, I'll go with you." Trini said. "Let's go boys." Jason said. "Billy, just the two of us." Zack said. "I'm right behind you." Billy said. "Okay there has to be a way to have the Zord copy my movements, right?" I asked. I heard a beeping noise. I looked around and saw a flashing light on the console. I pushed a button. "Master Tommy." It was Alpha 5. "Alpha! What's up?" I asked. "I forgot to mention. The Dragon Dagger is a key and can be used to command the Dragonzord from the sidelines, all you have to do is play it like a flute...piece o' cake. Also press the big green button to make your Zord mirror your moves." Alpha said. "Wow. Thanks Alpha. I needed that." I said. "No problem." Alpha said. I pressed the big green button that had a clawed three-toed footprint on it. It opened and a slot appeared. I looked at the dagger in my hand and the slot. "Here goes nothing." I said with a shrug. I put the dagger into the slot and four cables shot out and attached to my limbs. "Whoa!" I exclaimed as I was lifted into the air a bit. I made a running motion and the Zord ran forward. I laughed. "Hell yeah!" I exclaimed running at Goldar. I ran down a street to see it was filled with Putties. "Okay...just like a kid and an ant pile. Smash it." I said slamming a fist down into the pile of Putties and slamming a tail down onto the street. "Whoo!" I exclaimed. "Sorry, Bumble Bee! Whoo!" I heard Jason say. I looked over to see the red Tyrannosaurus Zord throw a yellow Camaro with black stripes at a bunch of Putties. A ton of Putties began to climb the Zord. "I can't get 'em off!" He exclaimed. "Turn your head. Trust me." Kim said through comms. I spotted the Pterodactyl Zord fly towards Jason. "Okay. Thanks, Kim." Jason said. "That's all right." Kim said. I ran down the street and threw punches at Putties that were trying to climb aboard. "Does this thing have weapons?" I asked. A panel lit up. "Wow. Okay. I like this Zord." I said with a smile. I pressed a button and a volley of missiles flew out the finger tips of the Dragonzord. The missiles landed in a pile of Putties. "Whoa! That's a lot of firepower you packing, Tommy!" Jason exclaimed. "Guess it can't be a Dragonzord if it don't." I said. I spotted Ty Fleming and Colt Wallace running down the street. The Zord walked past them accidentally crushing a fire hydrant next to them and spraying them with water as they jumped into Amanda Clark's crushed blue BMW. "Karma's a bitch." I stated with a smirk.

"She just found the crystal." Kim said. "Okay, come on, let's move!" Jason said running at Goldar. "I'll take Goldar from the right." Jason said. "J! I'm right behind you." Trini said. "Come on!" Jason screamed as the Tyrannosaurus Zord pounced onto Goldar and so did Trini's Saber-toothed Tiger Zord. "How's that feel?" Jason said. "We got this. Come on!" Trini said. Goldar knocked Jason and Trini off of it. I ran at Goldar. "Hey! Big, gold, and ugly! Eat this!" I screamed as I slammed the Dragonzord's tail into it and spun into a right hook. Goldar flew back to the ground and got up. "I'm coming!" Kim yelled firing at Goldar. Goldar spartan-kicked me away. I hit the cockpit wall of the Zord from inside with a groan. Goldar smacked Kimberly as she flew by him. "Kimberly!" I yelled. I pulled the Zord to its feet and pressed a button on the panel and the tail of the Zord began to spin rapidly like a drill. I ran at Goldar and it grabbed me and threw me away. "Okay that does it! Guys, I'm heading down." I said grabbing the Dragon Dagger and ejecting from the Dragonzord. "Tommy! Your Zord will be defenseless!" Trini said. I landed on the roof of a building. "No it won't." I said smirking. I played the Dragon Dagger...well..I just blew into and pushed down on the three pistons. I didn't actually play the Dragon Dagger. It played a tune and the Dragonzord stood up in a fighting stance and continued fighting Goldar while I ran after Rita. "See?" I said running from rooftop to rooftop looking for Rita. I found her inside the Krispy Kreme. I landed outside. "Rita!!" I yelled kicking two Putties in the chest simultaneously. I flipped into another kick slamming my feet into the head of a third Putty. I landed on my feet and stood up as Rita exited the Krispy Kreme. "Green Ranger." Rita said. "Let's end this." I said getting into a fighting stance. "Once and for all." I added. "Yes....let's." Rita said before I ran at her. I sheathed the Dragon Dagger. I threw punches at her and she parried them and threw her own punches which I parried. "Hiya-si-hiya!" I exclaimed kicking Rita in the head. I hopped off the other foot and spun midair slamming the foot into Rita's head again. "Hiya!" I yelled landing on the ground. Rita looked at me. "You think you're so powerful with your Green Ranger suit, don't you?" Rita asked. "Eh...yeah." I said with a shrug. "But power has nothing to do with it. My power comes from my heart." I said. "You disgust me!" Rita yelled. "Feeling's mutual." I said running at her. She kicked my feet from under me and I fell to the ground. She kicked me away down the street and I heard a familiar voice nearby. I spun around to see my dad and a woman kicking the ever living shit out of Putties. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed surprised. "What?" I heard Jason ask through comms. "My kicking ass...Putties ass." I said standing up to my feet watching in admiration. Can't say I'm that surprised dad is an 8th degree black belt in Karate...I don't usually tell people that, though. It usually led me into fights to see if I was like him...For the record....I always won. That's because I'm a 6th degree black belt in Karate. Like my father, I also know Muay Thai, Judo, Taekwondo, Wadō-Ryu Karate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Shōtōkan, Wing Chun, and Aikido. Not that much. But still...I can kick people's asses and send them to the ER. My dad was fighting Putties and putting them down one after the other until they began to overwhelm them. I ran and jumped over to my dad and a woman in pink. "Huh. She looks oddly familiar." I said. I pulled a Putty off of my dad and the woman. "Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" I said getting into a fighting stance. The two Putties morphed into one. I stood up and looked at them. "Okay...or we can talk this out?" I asked raising my hands into the air cocking my head to the right briefly. It swung at me and I back-flipped away. I landed and looked up at the large Putty. "Okay. Got it. Negotiation is out of the picture." I said with nod. "That's too bad. I could really see you pulling off a blue pair of pants with the number '4' on it." I said jumping into the air slamming both of my feet into its face. I landed and slammed my fist into its crotch. It groaned. "Hey! Would you look at that?" I said standing up. "It actually feels pain." I said. "I'd feel sorry for you...if you weren't trying to kill me." I said dodging another one of its attacks. "Okay. You're. Really. Starting. To get. On. My nerves!" I said dodging and parrying attacks at each word. "Hiya!" I exclaimed jumping over the Putty. "Si-Hiya!" I yelled again doing a tornado kick into the Putty's head. The impact kicked the head straight off. The beheaded piece of rock smashed into another Putty and destroyed it. I turned to my father. "You okay?" I asked walking over to him. "Yeah. Thanks." He said with a nod. "What about you?" I asked looking at the woman. "Yep. Good thing I took those self-defense classes." She said. "Those always help when you need it." I said. "Hey! What are you?" My dad asked. "The Green Power Ranger." I said before I jumped back into the Dragonzord. "Man. That woman looked just like you Kim." I said. "She did not." She replied. "She was even wearing pink." I said. She laughed.

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