Chapter 8

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"So this is the pit. This is nice, right?" Alpha 5 said. "Alpha 5. Begin the exercise." Zordon said. "Uh sorry guys." Alpha 5 said. "Uh what exercise?" Jason asked. "Chill out dude." Zack said. I heard a bang and four rock monsters appeared. "These creatures before you are a simulation of Rita's army. They're called putties. You must get through them to get to her." Zordon said. "No, no, no. Jason." Billy said. "Cool. Look, relax, guys. It's a hologram." Zack said walking to one of them. "Like a video game. Look." He said before the monster smacked him aside. Zack crashed into the rock wall. He groaned. "Whoa! That's a strong-ass hologram." Billy said. Trini laughed. "Not a video game." Zack said hoarsely. "This is why you must morph into your armor. If Rita becomes strong enough to build her army, it'll be the beginning of the end. Rangers, welcome to training." Zordon said. "I'm so excited you guys are back." Alpha 5 said. "Aim for the center mass." Alpha 5 instructed as I ran at a monster. The monster slammed its fist into my face and I fell to the ground. "One more time. Come on, duck their punches. Find their weak side." He said as I tried again. The others trained with each other as I took off my jacket and stood in my loose green tank top. I ran at the monster and grabbed it and was hit on the back and fell to the ground. "Oh..." Alpha 5 said walking away. I grunted as I stood up. "Let's go a couple o' hits, okay? Hit one..." Jason said to Billy as I trained with Kimberly. "This should be fun." She said in a fighting stance. "What part of this is fun to you?" I asked raising a brow as I smiled. I raised my hands loosely, widening my stance. She smiled at me. She threw a punch and I dodged it, grabbing her arm and flipping her over my shoulder, slamming her into the ground. I knelt down to the ground next to her as she looked up into my eyes. I laughed. "You're right....this is fun." I said with a smirk. I pulled her up. 

I went again with her, this time she slammed her fist into my gut and grabbed me, throwing me into the wall. I ran up the wall and landed behind her. She kicked behind her and I flew back. I slid across the ground and slammed into the rock wall behind me. I grunted as I saw Kimberly smile. "Oh...come on, Tommy. I thought you said this was fun?" She asked. "Ha. Ha. It was...up until the point I got sucker punched in the gut." I grunted getting to my feet.

I sat in school waiting flipping a pair of chopsticks between my fingers, from my Chinese lunch. I sat in Biology with Kimberly and Trini. The bell rang and Kimberly and Trini looked at me. I grabbed my bag and flung the chopsticks into the garbage can leaving the classroom with Trini and Kim. 

I groaned as a Putty smashed its fist into my face 3 times. I tried to block them but the hits flew straight after the previous one made contact. I flipped into the air and crashed into the ground hard. I stood up and spat blood, frustrated. "Focus! Focus! Everybody just focus!" Alpha 5 instructed. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed as I went again for a 3rd time. I swung at a Putty and missed as the monster slammed its fist into my back and sent me flying into the air. My back slammed into the rock wall behind me and I crashed to the ground again. I grunted through my teeth and smacked the ground, pissed. I pushed myself to my feet and wiped blood from my mouth. "You guys all know you could be murdered, right?" Alpha 5 asked. "If I wasn't so tired right now, Alpha 5....I'd murder you." I said. 

I stood on the footprint trying to morph with the others. "You must shed your masks to wear this armor." Zordon said. "I don't feel anything." Billy said. "Nope." I said. "No." Zack said. "Take them down to the pit." Zordon said.

"Now watch me...Slip, grab, lift. Yeah!" Alpha 5 said showing the six of us how to bring down a Putty. "Slip, grab, lift!" Alpha 5 told me as I tried it and slammed the Putty into the ground and so did the others. "Yes!" Alpha 5 said. 

I sat in detention with Billy, Jason, and Kimberly. I heard the flutter of paper to the right of me and caught a small square piece of paper, between my pointer and middle finger. I opened it and read the note. 'We Should Start A Band.' I looked over at Kimberly and refolded it. I threw it to Jason who did the same. He soon threw it to Billy. He looked at the three of us and threw it to the left of him. The paper hit Colt Wallace in the face. Billy quickly turned away trying to hold in laughter and hide his smile. 

"Think only of each other, and the morphing grid will open to you." Zordon said. I squeezed my eyes shut as I stood on the footprint. "Is it working?" Kim asked. "No, it's not." Trini answered. "Come on! Try harder!" Kim yelled. I groaned loudly frustrated. 

"Let's just concentrate." Jason said. "I've been concentrating though, Jason." Trini said. I stood in the pit with a Putty as the others watched me fight. I dodged 4 of the 7 attacks from the Putty and threw a punch at its head. I jumped into the air and slammed my foot into its chest. "'Cause we haven't been concentrating...All we need to do is just concentrate." Zack said. It grabbed my leg and threw me into the wall and charged at me. I grunted as it smashed its fist into my gut 4 times. Blood spat from my mouth. 

"Don't tell me to concentrate." I said. "Just follow my lead." Zack said. "Much good that'll do." I countered. "Let's not fight with each other." Billy said. "Zack, now is not the time." Trini told him. "Tommy." Kimberly said looking at me. I grunted in annoyance at the failure to morph for what seemed like the 50th try. 

I sat on the ground of the pit covered in bruises, cuts, and sweat. The others sat around or near me. "Come on. Let's go train." Alpha 5 said. The six of us looked at him, coldly. "How about I hit you with a train?" I asked getting to my feet with a groan. 

I stood at a funeral wearing all black. I spotted Kimberly from a distance and she smiled at me. I smiled. "Who's that?" My father asked. "What?" I asked looking at him. "That girl." He said with a smile. "Oh. That's...uh....that's Kimberly...She goes to my school. We're friends." I answered. "She's pretty." My dad said looking away. "Yeah...I know, dad. I know." I said.

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