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I had only just finished unpacking my last box. Don't get me wrong, my room wasn't exactly tidy. It didn't look unpacked, but everything was out of the boxes so in my opinion it was a start. I had managed to hang up all my clothes in my wardrobe though. I had a section dedicated to the anthem shirts I had revived from my dad over the years. I guess he wanted me to be his number one promoter. I would much rather have a collection of drop dead clothing items but we can't have it all.

I heard a stomping coming up the stairs and I assumed it was my dad. He lightly tapped on my door and pushed it open at my approval.

"how's the unpacking going" he said and he looked at my messy room in disgust.

"not bad, but I don't think there is enough room to put everything".

"we have a few spare rooms. I'm sure you can have one as an extra room for your stuff" he exclaimed, still looking around.

"great I will do that later then".

"no, you are going to have to do it now. we are having a welcome party sort of thing tonight ".

"what's a welcome party sort of thing?" I laughed

"you know. a few guests to see the house. like a house warming".

"oh okay. so who's coming?"

"a few of our close friends and their families".

"are you going to tell me who?"

"I can't be bothered to name anyone at the moment. you will find out when they get here".

"is there anyone my age coming, or am I going to be forced to play with copeland all night?"

"I think Frank, Patrick and Rian are brining their children. they are all about your age I think".

"oh yeah I know Sadie and Marvel but I haven't met franks kid before".

"oh Miles? yeah I want you to stay away from him Effie. I heard he is bad news."

"are you serious? I've lived here 5 minutes and you are already telling me who I can and can't be friends with in this town! He's Frank Ieros son! of course he is gonna be bad news. it doesn't mean we can't be friends dad".

"well to me it does. Just keep your distance okay".

"fine whatever. now help me take this stuff into my spare room".

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