So many stars in the sky

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I'm so bad at thinking of titles for each chapter so I'm just going to do lines from random songs. that is all.

I was pretty nervous for school the next day. I didn't know if that dick jock had said anything to any teachers at school that would get Miles into trouble. I'm sure I can defend Miles anyway, I mean that guy was practically sexually harassing me so what Miles did was an acceptable response in my eyes.
"Hey hoe" Miles said as he shoved my arm. I responded by putting my middle finger up to him and turning away.
"that was nice" he joked
"could say the same to you" I laughed.
"first lesson?"
"Err art"
"fuck yes" I responded
"language dear"
"are you a 60 year old man?"
"maybe" he laughed at me as we proceeded to walk to first period.
My lessons leading up to lunch went by pretty quick. We all sat on the school field and laughed at the cheer squad practicing their routine.
"where's captain rage mode at?" Joe finally spoke after lifting his head from his walking dead comic.
"oh so you're still with us then Joe" Violet said mockingly
"shut up Vi, Effie where is he?"
"no idea. He's defo in school today though, I had first period with him"
"I saw him going into the principles office with James Urie" Cassie replied.
"who?" I asked, confused.
"you know, blondish hair, slightly quiffed, mega tall jock??"
"ohh yeah I know the twat"
"what's up with him?"
"he pinned me against a locker and harassed me but Miles kinda beat the shit out of him. guess that's why he's in the principles office"
"holy shit, nice one Miles"
"I heard my name" Miles said and we all turned to look at him
"speak of the devil" Joe mumbled
"what happened?" I said while patting the grass signalling for Miles to sit down.
"well I told him what happened and he gave me and James two options. Either we could both be excluded for 4 weeks or we could have 1 week litter duty after school and James has to take a 3 week sexual harassment course and I have to go to see a therapist about my anger issues."
"please tell me you aren't picking exclusion Miles" I pleaded at him.
"haven't decided yet, need to talk to you about it after school okay"
"yeah sure"
I knew where he wanted to go to talk. The woods are so calming to Miles. I don't know what he would have done if they weren't there for him to run to.
We walked to the woods hand in hand and leaned against a few trees on the way to make out before we actually managed to talk about anything.
"I really don't want to go to see a therapist Effie"
"I know but I think it could be good for you"
"but they will make me talk about all of the drugs and depression and all the other shit"
"you don't know that for sure. They might just try and help you with ways to stay calm or ask you why you get angry"
"I don't want to. why can't I just talk to you about it. You always help me"
"yeah well I would prefer that too but I'm not a qualified therapist and somehow I don't think they will let you come and talk to me instead"
" I would rather just take the 4 weeks off"
"you know if you do that then your dad will ground you fully. That means we won't see each other for a whole month. please Miles for me just go and see the therapist. It might help"
"fine I will go, but I am doing this for you and no one else okay"
"okay, thank you"
"I love you"
"love you too"
We sat by the carrousel and made out for a bit longer because who wants to go home and do homework when they can make out with their angry emo boyfriend.
"GUYS I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT" Violet shouted over all of us at lunch the next day.
"As you all know, in exactly one month I will be turning 17 and to celebrate the wonderful marking of me emerging from the womb, I have decided to have a Fucking massive house party."
Violets announcement was returned by an uproar of cheers from the rest of the group. A party is exactly what I need right now. Something decent and eventful is finally happening. What a better way to keep my mind of all the shitty stuff than to get hella drunk and dance around to good music.

I'm shit at updating this but only like 2 people read it anyway so idgaf.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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