New girl

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Today was the day. My first day at Sutton high and I didn't know anyone. Miles wouldn't be starting for a month and he hadn't had a chance to introduce me to his friends yet. I think he told a few of them I was joining but I'm assuming they won't pay attention to me. He said he would come and meet me after school and he will give me a tour of the town like he promised. I've been living here a week and haven't been out the house for anything other than going to the shops. At least my parents will both be at work so I won't have to explain to them where I'm going after school. Copeland's nanny might wonder where I've gone but I can always call and say I made some friends that are taking me out.

I made my way towards the school gates, I wished I had started on the first day of the year instead of mid October. I was getting funny 'new girl' looks from people. I started to feel self conscious about my appearance but I was only wearing tights and an oversized t-shirt with a denim jacket over the top. Maybe the grunge style wasn't accepted at this school but I tried not to let it bother me. Miles must have friends who dress like him so I guess I won't be a complete outcast.

I entered the school but had no idea where I was supposed to be. some preppy cheerleaders walked past me looking repulsed, they walked off giggling and chatting to each other. I tried to brush it off but something inside of me was saying that it would only get worse. A girl approached me. She had lilic hair and was wearing a velvet crop top with a tartan skirt and choker. I thought to myself how cool she looked but I tried not to stare. Why was she coming towards me?

"just ignore those girls, they are all clueless bitches" she said with an angered tone to her voice.

"oh, thanks. I wasn't paying much attention to them anyway to he honest"

"good, if they sense weakness in you then they will make your life hell"

"nice to know" I laughed

"are you new here?"

"yeah, I start today" I replied nervously

"give me your timetable" she ordered

"I did as she asked but feared she was going to run off with it at some sort of joke on the new girl"

"we have first period together, come on we can walk together"

"great, I have no idea where I'm going"

"it's okay I will show you around until you get the hang it things"


"it's no problem. I know what it's like to be the new girl, I joined last September. come on we better start walking to class"

"so what's your name new girl"


"last name?" she asked


"nice name"

"thanks, what's your name?"

"violet Langdon"

"ooh sounds like the child of violet and Tate from American horror story"

"haha well violet isn't my real name but everyone has been calling me it since I was a baby"

"I wish I could change my name. what's your real name then?"

"Samantha, but I really hate it"

"yeah violet is definately a cooler name"

"thanks" she smiled

My first 2 classes were so boring. Maths and then science is far too much work for me first thing on a Monday. Violet wasn't in my science but she walked me to my class so I didn't get lost. I got sat next to a boy called Luke in but I didn't talk to him much. He seemed nice but it didn't look like we had much in common by the looks of him. He was a tall blonde boy with glasses. He wore blue jeans and a plain shirt. not my type.
At lunch I met up with Violet and she let me sit with her and a few of her friends. They were all really nice and welcoming. Unlike those cheerleaders. There was 3 boys and 2 girls. Cassie, Mikey, Alex, Joe and Safire. They all have a similar music taste to me which I was glad of. There is nothing better than moving somewhere and finding friends who you instantly click with. I wasn't 100% sure I was accepted into their group yet. I mean we barely knew anything about each other but by the way things were going so far, I could possibly see myself becoming great friends with them. I couldn't help thinking about what I would do when Miles joined. would I hang around with him and his friends? or did he want nothing to do with me inside school? My brain started to hurt and I figured I would ask him about it later. I honestly don't see why my dad thinks he is such bad news, I mean yeah he was a dealer but it didn't make him completely bad right? He was nice to me. Or maybe I just didn't know him well enough yet.

"so Effie are you doing anything after school today? we are all going to hang out at the mall for a bit if you want to join." Joe asked me cheerily
"actually yeah I am, sorry. I met a boy at our housewarming party and he said he will show me around the town as I haven't had a chance to go anywhere yet. another time though yeah?"
"yeah for sure that will be awesome" he replied
"soooo who's this boy then effie?" cassie questioned me

"he's called Miles. He's my dad's friends son".

"Miles Iero??" they all looked at me puzzled.

"yeah! how did you know that?" I quickly questioned

"he's a friend of ours. He's joining this school soon you know".

"oh my gosh really? he said he had
friends here but he didn't have a chance to introduce me before I joined"

"this is so weird. what are the chances out of everyone in this grade and you ended up being friends with us too"

"I know! what a coincidence"

"so is this like a date you and Miles are going on?" Safire asked me

"nah we are just friends. Until today he was the only one I had that was my age"

"ahh okay well I bet something happens between you two"

"haha we'll see" I laughed her words off but I couldn't help thinking about something happening with me and Miles.

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