The Beginning

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     Thomas is just a young kid of about 10 years old. Within him lies different parts of himself called the sides. They were Logan which is Logic, Romulus which is Creativity, Patton which is Morality, Virgil which is Fear, and Deceit which is well, Deceit. They all had only one goal, to make Thomas happy. Logan rationalizes things whenever Thomas was overwhelmed. Romulus generates ideas so easily, Thomas doesn't have to ask. Patton constantly reminds Thomas to put others before himself. Virgil helps Thomas get out of bad situations, and protect him from any and all harm. Deceit filters whatever statement that comes from Thomas' mouth, to preserve his relationships.

     As Thomas grew up, he developed this interest in saving the rainforest, partially because of a catchy little ditty that he enjoyed, so he tries to learn new things each and every day, strengthening Logan. He also developed a strong faith as he was raised religious. He developed good moral values as a result, strengthening Patton. As Thomas started to excel in arts, particularly music and theater, he gained a huge interest in Broadway and dreamed of being there, no matter whatever it takes to get there, strengthening Romulus. Thomas started to worry about things, even though he was just a kid. He's afraid of self-harm and danger, strengthening Virgil. As soon as this fear of danger comes in, he also developed this fear of hurting other's feelings, and tries to do whatever he can to not hurt them, strengthening Deceit.

     Although very helpful, they could be toxic if they get overpowered. Logan can make Thomas apathetic, making it difficult to emotionally relate to other people. Patton can make Thomas fully empathetic to a fault, as it can make Thomas forget about himself just thinking about others. Romulus can get Thomas to a lot of harm, as he would do whatever he can to achieve his dreams, from wooing people to help him achieve it, to literally murdering them if they won't help him. He can also make Thomas narcissistic, which can make it difficult to gain and retain relationships. Virgil can make Thomas paranoid, as he could worry more than what would be considered the norm. Deceit can ruin Thomas' relationships, as they could not trust Thomas from all of those deception.

     Even though they had all those flaws, they try to be better each and every day, and try to make Thomas a better person by doing what they think is right for him. They may be over exaggerated when just functioning alone, but they could work at a perfect balance, and could make up a very wholesome person that is Thomas.

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