15. Irreparable

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I am no sunshine, I was never "bright"

I'm not special, no guiding light.

Half of the time I'm lost with no direction.

Why would you love me? I can't even form a simple connection.

When I love, I do it hard,

When I "feel" I don't it in accord.

In accordance with what it should be

I will love you for you and for me

This is why when I'm hurt it cuts really deep

One-sided love, whose wounds I have to keep.

I am unlovable, I get things wrong,

Unreachable, so far gone

I am broken, undesirable,

A thorn in the heart, unbearable.

I am no good for humans,

I deserve my lonely

Not healthy for relationships

I should be my only.

I get your decision to stay away,

You would be held back by my darkness,

your bubbly personality would slowly decay.

I understand your distance I am a poet tragedy.

Beautifully broken, I have no remedy.

I am a lost soul, I can't be saved

I fed on your light and the attention you gave

I am hopeless, I have no redemption.

Can you see my heart? It needs attention.

And though i'm not worthy, it craves affection.

If I listen to my head it says "Stay far"

If I listen to my heart, it wants to be where you are.

But I am not good for you and you're not healthy for me.

I will poison your soul and you will take away my sanity.

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