[11] We, meaning us?

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"Don't punish yourselves for people's ignorant reactions to what we all are. Don't let ignorance win. Let love"-



PLAY: [TRACK ELEVEN] I'm Not In Love by 10cc

content warning: homophobia (indicated by * and ends at *)

THE last few months had actually been pretty relaxing, and it was almost December so there were Christmas decorations up all over town and the temperature had dropped the second it hit winter. Morgan had about half an hour off, the Arcade practically empty as the holiday break hadn't arrived so she just locked the door until she came back. 

She wraps her jacket tighter around the sweater that she had just pulled over the Palace t-shirt, boots slipping a little against the icy street. The girl makes it in about ten minutes to the nearest coffee shop, ordering a black coffee and a hot chocolate for herself. 

The order was ready in under three, the cups still warm as she walks back towards the street housing Family Video and the arcade. Morgan takes a sip of her hot chocolate as her Dr. Martens hit against the practically frozen concrete, the girl walking into the video store. She puts the cup on the counter, the noise causing Robin to look up from her book.

Her hand slides the coffee toward the girl who then smiles, walking over. It had become somewhat of a routine for the two, Morgan bringing Robin a drink or something when she had a break, and then the girl would pay her back the next day by getting her something on her half an hour off.

Robin takes a sip of the drink and Morgan just wrinkles her nose in return, unable to believe that the girl actually could drink straight black coffee. She curls her hands around the cup, turning around at the sound of muffled speaking and then spotting a small screen stationed on the wall near the doorway. "Keith thought it would be a good way to advertise movies or whatever, but it gets good reception so I put on the news," Robin explains, noticing her change in focus.

"The news?" Morgan tilts her head, taking a sip of her hot chocolate while rolling her eyes a little. "You could at least put on something interesting," at this, the girl laughs, nails tapping against the counter as she leans forward on her arms.

"Okay, like what?" Robin challenges, raising a brow but they are then cut off as a family walks into the previously empty store. Since Steve had the day off, the girl actually had to help customers, something she definitely hated. Her eyes flick to Morgan, throwing up a finger before walking out from behind the counter. The girl nods in response before turning to walk through the aisles and leaving Robin to help the mother and father find their movies.