[2] Russians in Hawkins?!

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"sometimes you gotta say, what the fuck" -



PLAY: [TRACK TWO] It's Not The Night by The Cars

content warning: drug use

THE sun beats down onto Hawkins as Morgan leaves her house at midday, dressed in her freshly clean Scoops Ahoy uniform. She takes the bus as Steve and Robin have the early shift, arriving about ten minutes before her designated start time while still dodging the numerous teenagers swarming around Starcourt. The girl walks into the store with her backpack hanging off a shoulder, a hand resting on the strap and her headphones on her neck.

Her eyes then catch onto Dustin and Steve who were standing in front of Robin at the cash register, laughing at each other as they finish a mildly violent handshake. Morgan blinks once, stopping next to them and looking toward the girl opposite her who leans forward. "How many children are you friends with?" Robin asks seriously, causing Steve to pause a little before letting out a slight sigh.

"Thankfully, this is just about all of them," Morgan breaks in, head tilting. Just as she finishes her sentence, Dustin's head whips around to her, smiling wildly. Steve turns as well, eyes brightening.

"Morgan!" The younger boy grins, hugging her while the girl puts a hand on top of his hat and shoving it a little. "I have so much to tell you guys about camp," Dustin rushes out, gaze flicking between the two older teenagers. Robin watches the three with raised brows, following it up with an eye-roll before turning to a new customer that had just walked in.

"Well, Steve is due for his break, so you can go ahead and talk his ear off," Morgan smiles walking toward the back room. "You can tell me later," she continues before shooting both of the boys a thumbs up. The girl shoves her bag on one of the shelves and heads towards the front, standing next to Robin. Her eyes land on Dustin who hadn't moved and was still grinning at her, Morgan rolling her eyes. "What do you want?" She raises a brow, expression flat.

"Waffle sundae?"

Morgan rolls her eyes at this before nodding a few times. The boy's expression brightens, Robin letting out a snort from her right. The girl's eyes dart to the blonde on her left before pursing her lips. "Okay fine, but this is it," she points a finger at the boy who nods vehemently before turning around and heading to sit at the table that Steve was already stationed at. "I swear these kids," the girl sighs, scooping out vanilla ice cream and putting it into a plastic dish. Morgan then adds cream, chocolate sauce, and cherries, throwing a spoon on top. She then looks up to see Robin passing her the waffle cones curved to imitate sails. "Don't say a word," she throws the girl who was smirking at her, remembering the comment from yesterday about giving the kids free ice cream.