[8] I've always wanted to hit that asshole with a car

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"I could disappear forever and it wouldn't make any difference"



PLAY [TRACK EIGHT]: Want You (live) by The Bangles

THEY make it back to Starcourt in half the time, even Steve looking worried at Morgan's reckless driving. The light from the mall casts a purple glow over the area, allowing the girl to spot Nancy standing in front of another car just as they enter the parking lot. As they get closer, her hands tighten on the wheel as she notices the teenager holding a gun toward Billy's trademark Camero which was speeding towards them.

"Holy shit," Steve mutters, sucking in a breath from behind her as he realizes what Morgan is about to do.  

The girl presses on the accelerator harder, not even fucking breathing, as she slams the car into the side of Billy's Camero just in time. The noise of crushing metal breaks into the air, the hood of the Cadillac curling in on itself as it hits the passenger door of the other vehicle. The force of the impact sends both the cars twisting away from each other, the smell of burnt rubber overpowering.

The trio is jerked through the air by the change in speed, Morgan getting over her shock just enough to press on the breaks, sending the car skidding to a stop. She lets out a panicked few gasps, knuckles white on the wheel as she blinks, staring at the wreckage. "I've always wanted to hit that asshole with a fucking car," the girl breathes but then shakes her head a little, processing what had just happened. "Uh, is everyone okay?" She then questions, voice now practically ready to shatter. She then turns right, looking toward Robin who looked similarly as shocked as her, swallowing once.

"Maybe ask me tomorrow?" She questions, shoulders shaking involuntarily from the adrenaline. Just as Morgan is about to turn to check on Steve, the sound of screeching hits the cold air, all of them standing up out of the seats. "Holy shit," the breathy statement that Robin releases is echoed by the figure of the Mind Flayer, the gigantic mass of flesh crawling over the mall.

The sound of another car honking causes all of them to turn to their right, Jonathan and Nancy in the front with Lucas and Will in the back. "Get in!" The older girl shouts, prompting the trio to run toward it. Morgan closes the door behind her just in time, the car taking off as the Mind Flayer reaches the ground, trying to stop them.

They were heading back in the direction of Weathertop again but this time, the monster was following after them. "Jonathan, uh, I think it might be a good idea for you to speed the fuck up!" Morgan yells toward the boy at the wheel, the Mind Flayer catching up easily.