[0] Prelude in E minor

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This is definitely not where she thought her life would end up going.

Her brain can't keep up. She's stuck in a loop, brain running over the same paralyzing thought of i can't do this i can't do this i can't fucking do this

i'm going to die, right? 

She can barely hold it together, muscles locked and her chest heaving a fast tempo. The uneasy and nauseating movement of adrenaline bleeds into her veins, sweat beading on her forehead.

After everything they had gone through in the past two years, was this it? It didn't feel like a finale, but maybe that's just not what happens. There's no long, meaningful goodbye, no heartfelt exchange. It's just done. And that's it.

The rational part of her brain knows this, but there's a part of her that fucking hopes that she might get a goodbye. That even Steve-fucking-Harrington might come around the corner and hold her hand or do some meaningful shit like that. But she's here and she's alone. And she's dying.

She's actually dying, and the lack of oxygen to her brain is making her want to laugh hysterically. A bad sign. She can feel her eyelids grow heavy, as if holding them up is the hardest thing in the world. She can feel her vision twisting and swimming and she might hear a voice, but it might also be her dying brain trying to comfort her.

It then loosens its grip and her whole body reaches for air, straining as she tries to take in a breath. It's all she can think about, and her heart beats faster as all of her energy goes into trying to pull free. It's a last-ditch effort.

And then she finally relaxes as the world around her is set alight and then she can breathe.
