[6] Don't do drugs kids

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"We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from another's vantage point, as if new, it may still take the breath away."



PLAY [TRACK 6]: Sinnerman by Nina Simone

"MORONS! Hey morons!" Robin yells loudly, a laugh breaking from her lips suddenly without her consent. She cranes her neck toward the door, not being able to move much from where she was tied against Steve but still tries anyway. "You messed it up!"

"Yeah, morons!" The boy adds, raising his head from its previously bowed position as a drop of blood breaks from his mouth. "Morons!" They both laugh again, and despite the seriousness of the situation, they both didn't have a care in the world.

"Oh god, some...something's definitely wrong with us," Robin breaks in between gasps of laughter, nodding a little to herself.

"Something's wrong," Steve coughs a little before squinting at the ceiling. "But...like, Dustin and Erica and uh, y'know, uh..." he trails off, and the boy somehow, for the life of him, is unable to remember his friends' name.

"Wait, oh my god, you mean Morgan?!" the girl whips her head around, attention darting from its previous objective, which was trying to figure out what was wrong with them and the drugs they were given.

"Oh yeah! That's who I was talking about, Morgan!" The boy nods to himself a few times, swollen eyes as wide as they can go. "Morgan," he repeats, Robin letting out a quiet hum of agreement. "They'll...figure something out!"

"Yeah," Robin echoes before looking upward at the ceiling, letting out a brief laugh as the lights begin to move about in front of her.

"Morgan...y'know she's like, so pretty, like her eyes and when she smiles and she's also mocking you so it's kinda, like, weird," Steve drawls out, head rolling back to rest on the girl's shoulder, causing her to turn to look at him out of the corner of her eyes. "Y'know?"

"Right!" Robin nods enthusiastically, gaze wide. "And she's so smart, and when she talked about that chemistry thing in that tunnel, like woah," she laughs a little before grinning. "Her eyes were shining all big, it was crazy how she knew all that stuff," Robin rambles on, a smile still stuck on her face as her head rolls around to the right. 

They're silent for a few seconds before the boy breaks it. "Wait, who are you talking about?" Steve frowns wildly, blinking a few times. 

"Uh, Morgan?" The girl replies about a beat of hesitation, not one-hundred percent remembering what she had just said about her but had the vague picture of the short-haired girl in her mind.