[13] You noticed

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"What struck me most, though, was that, in the whole long article, the word "love" wasn't used even once. That made me mad; it was as if whoever wrote the article didn't know that gay people actually love each other. The encyclopedia writers ought to talk to me, I thought as I went back to bed; I could tell them something about love"-



PLAY: [TRACK TWELVE] More Than a Feeling by Boston


First Kiss by Kyle Dixon and Micheal Stein 

MORGAN had moved to sit on one of the chairs next to the pool with a drink in hand, her head a little foggy but otherwise okay. Steve had organized an end of year/Christmas party and invited most of their old classmates, including some from the year below. The girl was watching some of them swim in the heated water before turning to look up at the bright night sky, breath clouding in front of her. 

"Hey," Robin's voice breaks into her thoughts, causing her to turn before smiling easily at the girl.

"Hey, where've you been?" Morgan questions lightly, not annoyed with her or anything, just curious. "Nancy and I were trying to find you," her eyes flick to Robin's face, frowning a little at her slightly nervous expression. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah, I just..." the girl trails off for a second before she takes a breath. This causes the brunette to turn toward her, moving in her seat. "Steve told me it was your birthday a few days ago," Robin suddenly states, causing the girl to frown before letting out a huff.

"That idiot," Morgan then shakes her head before flicking her gaze toward the pool for a few seconds. "I really shouldn't tell people," she continues, eyes rolling before looking back at the girl who raises a brow.

"Why not?"

"I don't know..." she then trails off for a second, lips thinning as her mind drifts. "I mean, it's not really a big deal to me I guess," Morgan adds, shrugging at the end of her sentence.

"Well, I have a gift for you anyway," Robin then counters, her expression set, causing the girl to then turn in confusion.

"You didn't have to get me any-" She cuts herself off as her friend suddenly stands up, grabbing onto her hands quickly and using the momentum to drag her upwards as well.