Niece & Nephew

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(The music is a song I thought could go along with the story, it is optional enjoy!)

Deep in the sewers were the four ninja brothers, Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello. The four brothers defeated Shredder a year ago but lost their father three years prior to destroying Shredder. The boys do not know what to do now, their biggest threat is gone.

"Hey Leo since you are," Ralph started to ask before going in a sarcastic tone, "our 'leader' why have you not given us any orders as of lately?"

"Because Ralph," Leo stated before adding on, "the crime in our area has been so low as of lately we have not had much to do for the past few days. I mean think about it! When Shredder fell many of his goons went into hiding and some even moved on. For example, Karai --who just got out of his control I remind you -- has a husband now and two kids!"

"Yeah, but do you not find it weird that the crime is so low?? We are living in New York for peak sakes!" Ralph explained.

"Yo bro you just need to learn how to chill, mellow out and just enjoy... pizza!" Mikey said as he bit into a slice of pizza, smiling as he chews.

Ralph grabbed a pillow and chucked it at the back of Mikey's head.

"Ow!" Mikey whimpered as he slid down a bit hiding behind the couch as he continues to eat his pizza before adding, "You are just jealous that you said you did not want any!"

"I am not jealous ugh I am out of here!" Ralph yelled as he left.

Mikey continued to watch his favorite show while munching on pizza till he saw the last episode.

"Noooooo!!! This can not be it! I think I see the light! No no no this can not be how it ends!" Mikey cried as he fell to his knees in 'defeat'.

"Woah Mikey are you not just being a little too dramatic?" Leo asked trying hard to not laugh at his younger brother.

"Are you kidding?! This is the best series ever and now it is gone!" Mikey said as he began to playfully 'punch' the ground. "This can not be it! This is not enough!" Mikey continued to rant.

Leo rolled his eyes as he went into Donnie's lab. Mikey kept being overdramatic about his show as Karai walked in holding a little girl's hand and holding a swaddled baby in her other arm.

"Hey Mikey," Karai said as she smiled. Her hair was no longer short it was now dark brown and long, and she no longer wore that crazy makeup making her seem like a pleasant young woman.

"Hey, sisio Karai! Now, where is my big girl niece?" Mikey asked as he got up and started dancing like a monkey.

"I am right here!" the little girl yelled as she ran over and jumped onto Mikey's back.

"Oh no! I have been defeated!" Mikey said as he held his hand over his heart before 'falling' to the ground.

"Yay I won!" the little girl giggled.

"Yes you did sweetie now let uncle Mikey get up," Karai said as she rocked the swaddled baby.

The little girl ran back over and hugged Karai's leg. Mikey stood up and laughed before telling the guys their niece and nephew had arrived.

"How is little one?" Mikey asked as he walked over to Karai.

Karai smiled before saying, "he is getting so big, wanna hold him?"

Mikey's eyes glistened with joy as he nodded his head, he went over and sat on the couch. Karai followed Mikey and put the swaddled baby in his arms. At first, Mikey was confused about how to hold the little baby but after a little help from Karai, he eventually got it.

"Woah human babies are so tiny," Mikey said as he watched his little nephew yawn and snuggle into the blanket more.

"Yeah, they are," Karai said as she sat down next to Mikey before saying, "maybe you will be lucky enough that he will fall asleep with you."

Just like a night light, the little baby was sound asleep, not a sound coming from him.

"Well, I was not expecting that," Karai said in surprise.

"Why?" Mikey asked in curiosity.

"Well he always keeps his dad and I up because he is constantly hungry," Karai said as she motioned the little girl to come sit with them.

The little girl sat in between them, she was very giggly and bouncy. After a few minutes, Leo and the others came to them and got to spend time with their niece while Mikey kept holding their nephew. Karai was watching the boys and her daughter but then looked over at Mikey and her son.

"Soooo found anyone who might be a love interest?" Karai asked teasingly.

Mikey blushed red, "no I do not have time for that silly stuff."

"Heh, you say that now but when you find someone you love and then have little bundles of joy you change your mind quick," Karai said as she went back to watching Leo, and Donnie playing hide and seek with her daughter.

Karai stayed there for a few hours then she took the kiddos home to take their naps, even though the little baby had tons of naps on Mikey his older sister was not as lucky and was very sleepy after chasing Leo, and Donnie most of the day.

Mikey was clicking through channels but then he swore he heard laughter. Mikey got up to go investigate, he followed the laughter and saw four mutants. Four turtle mutants! But wait, these are girl mutant turtles. Mikey saw the one with the pink mask was the one laughing. When he saw her his heart began to feel like it was pounding out of his chest. Mikey hurried back to the others to tell them. Once he got to his brothers and made it back to where he saw the girls, they were gone.

"But I saw them right here!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Maybe they left," Leo suggested as they began to head back.

After that, they sat around and did nothing else for the rest of the day. Until they all went to their respective bedrooms and went to sleep.

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