The Race

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After a couple of days of goofing off, the boys are all four on their skates ready to race. April, Casey, Karai, and her husband were all with them as well to race. Mikey laughed as he looked at Ralph.

"I am going to take you down bro!" Mikey yelled as he laughed some more.

"We will see about that 'bro'," Ralph said as he rolled his eyes.

"3! 2! 1!" their little niece yelled before running out of the way and yelling, "Go!"

With that they were all off racing each other, Mikey and Karai got ahead of everyone. Mikey saw April go up and around them taking the lead. Mikey looked more determined as he chased after her. After what felt like hours but in reality was just minutes Mikey closed in on her but he caught a glance of the pink masked girl again, Mikey was so distracted he tripped and after he finished tumbling he realized he fell into April and knocked her down too.

"Total Knock Out!" the little girl yelled as she held up a sign saying T.K.O.

Mikey went over and helped April up.

"I am so sorry April! But I saw her again!" Mikey said frantically still trying to comprehend what was happening.

"It is okay Mikey! But did you see the pink masked girl again?" April asked as she covered up her scrapes.

"Yeah..." Mikey said as he stared back at where he saw her at.

"You two okay?" a man asked as he skated around them. His short raven hair against his tanned skin, his delicate charcoal grey eyes looked at Mikey and April.

"We are fine thanks, Asher," April said with a smile as she grabbed Mikey's hand and they raced back into the race

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"We are fine thanks, Asher," April said with a smile as she grabbed Mikey's hand and they raced back into the race.

"Hey wait up!" Asher yelled as he raced after them.

After about thirty minutes the three of them caught up to the others who finished the race ten minutes ago.

"What happened back there, Mikey??" Leo asked concerned.

"I thought I saw something and I did not realize how close I was to April," Mikey explained.

"You got lucky you did not hurt my girl bro," Casey said laughing a bit as he playfully punched his arm.

"Casey!" April yelled as she threw a can at him.

Casey dodged as he laughed and stuck his tongue out at her. April gasped, soon enough she and Casey were fighting. Mikey laughed but Leo snuck up behind him and questioned him.

"You saw her again didn't you?" Leo asked in a low quiet voice.

"Yeah..." Mikey whispered back ready to accept his lecture.

"Well let's go check it out," Leo whispered as he and Mikey snuck off.

They headed back to where Mikey saw the pink masked girl, this gave Mikey a few flashbacks.


Mikey was laying in his bed asleep till he woke up hearing and seeing something scary, he got up and ran to Leo's room. Mikey looked to be about 6 as he shook Leo awake.

"Huh? What's wrong Mikey?" Leo asked groggily.

"I heard and saw a scary monster!" Mikey cried.

"Alright I will come to scare the monster away," Leo said with a smile as he got up and followed Mikey back to his room and searched the room.

"I do not see anything little bro," Leo said as he walked back over to a scared little Mikey.

"C-Can I sleep in your room tonight?" Mikey asked as he hugged his teddy bear tight.

"Sure why not, that's what brothers are for," Leo said smiling again as he took Mikey back to his room and laid on the bed.

Mikey laid on the bed next to him feeling safer now that he was not alone. Mikey often slept in Leo or Ralph's room until he got to be about a teenager then he grew out of it.


Mikey looked back at Leo as thoughts flooded his mind, 'does the gang still see me as that scared little boy?' 'I am not scared! I just saw a girl... and I think I like her but the guys would not believe me if I told them. They would say you cannot fall in love at first sight but I did!' 'Ugh I hate being the younger brother the only person who truly knows about the pink masked girl is April and even then it was hard telling her.' Mikey snapped out of his thoughts as they came up to a scarlet red masked female mutant turtle.

"Hello I am Leonardo," Leo said as he held out his hand to shake hers.

"Let's quit wasting everyone's time and cut to the chase, why have you guys been looking for us?" the scarlet red masked turtle asked.

"Well we thought we saw other mutants like us and we were wanting to see if we could meet you all," Leo explained realizing this was going south real fast.

"Well we are not interested!" she yelled before she got elbowed by a baby blue masked female mutant turtle who just caught up.

"Ignore my ignorant sister but we are not interested in meeting just yet, please excuse us but all the mutants we have run into have been hostile. When our younger sister has recovered from her wounds from our last attack then we will negotiate," the baby blue masked turtle explained as the scarlet red masked turtle growled.

"I only saw three of you and two of you are here... wait did the pink mask one get hurt??" Mikey asked worried now.

"No, she did not get hurt. She is the youngest of us four the third child was injured she wears a lilac purple mask if you must know so you do not worry," the baby blue masked girl explained.

"We can help her," Leo said as he looked at the girls examining them.

"No, we take care of our own but thank you though. If we need assistance we know where you live. Good day boys," the baby blue masked turtle said before she and the scarlet red mask turtle left.

Mikey and Leo looked back at each other before going back to the gang confused about what just happened.

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