The Separation

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Amoly's POV

It has been a year now, Mikey has fully recovered and now it is time for us to go our separate ways... Venus says this will be good for us and that one day we can hopefully be reunited... Mikey and I have gotten close and even though I am not ready for a relationship I am also not ready to let my friendship sink like the titanic. I may not love Mikey the way everyone thinks I do but I love him as if he was my brother! Talena and I have both begged Larota and Venus to not make us go. But our begs were in vain, Donnie and Mikey sneakily gave us both a tphone so we could stay in touch. But today was our last day of being with each other in person, Mikey and I were sitting on a hill watching the sunset.

"I am not ready for you to go," I heard him say as he put his hand on mine.

"I am not ready to go either," I said as I held his hand in mine.

"Venus says we need to do this, maybe we finally found people who can turn us human so we can live normal lives!" I said in a hopeful tone even though inside I feared the worst... but I could not worry Mikey with my fears.

"Promise me you will text me every day..." Mikey said as I saw the hopelessness in his eyes.

"I promise," I said as I kissed his head with my fingers crossed behind my back, a tear slipped down my cheek but I did not know where we were going... if I would ever see him again... or if I would ever be able to stay in contact with him.

Finally, it was time to go, with one last goodbye hug from Mikey I went to my sisters, the boys all seem to fight back tears, even Ralph who I hardly saw during this year. We waved goodbye before disappearing into the darkness.

Mikey's POV

We just saw the girls left and I felt a tear roll down my cheek as Leo hugged me, I could not hold it anymore... I felt myself bawling as I hide my face in Leo's shoulder and hugged him back. They were gone... I do not know if I will ever see my Amoly again... I liked her... no, I love her! I do not think I can live without her.

Narrators POV

Days led to weeks which were followed by months which ended up being years... Six years passed and the boys had not heard a word from the girls. Mikey began to lose all hope in the thought that maybe their mission went sideways and they lost their lives in the process. One night Mikey was standing on the roof a tall building, he looked over at the edge as a tear slipped off his cheek.

"Mikey?" A familiar voice said to him.

"I do not care Leo... I can not live like this anymore... I miss her!" Mikey yelled.

"Michaelangelo!" the voice yelled at him.

Mikey looked up and turned around, "Larota??" he asked as he ran over and hugged her.

"Woah easy there," Larota said as she patted his head.

"Sorry," he said as he put her down before asking, "where are the others??"

"Well Venus and I were sent on a mission in Japan, we finished early and decided to come back home," Larota said with a shrug.

"Amoly and Talena?" Mikey asked in concern.

"Not a word... they were supposed to come back six months before us... unless if their mission went sideways..." Larota said as she paced.

"Sideways?..." Mikey asked in horror.

"I'm sure whatever happened the girls are okay, you have nothing to worry... even if you did I'm sure Amoly would text you or me a goodbye message," Larota said as she shrugged.

Mikey then felt his tphone vibrate as fear stroke his eyes.

"You going to answer it?" Larota asked as she put her hand on her hip.

Mikey hesitantly pulled his phone out and saw it was a call from Talena, he answered quickly... "hello??"

"Hey, Mikey! Are Larota and Venus back yet?" Talena asked.

"Yeah why are not you and Amoly yet?" Mikey asked in concern.

"Bad blizzard hit there is no way for anyone to get in or out," Talena said before continuing, "we just now found a good signal."

"Oh, when will you two be back?" Mikey asked.

"Soon hopefully, Amoly has been thinking about you nonstop," Talena teased.

"Shut up!" Amoly yelled in the background.

"Can I speak to her?" Mikey asked.

"Maybe later tonight she is cooking right now, but will talk soon okay?" Talena asked.

"Okay..." Mikey said sadly.

They both hung up as Mikey looked up to the stars, sighed and then stared at the ground as a  frown formed across his face.

"Well, at least they are alive and well," Larota said with a half shrug.

"Yeah..." Mikey said as he sat down keeping his head down as he put his hands on the back of his neck.

"But I do not think Amoly would be happy if she hears you killed yourself..." Larota said trying to change the subject.

"I know... it has just been so hard..." Mikey said with a sigh as he put his arms on his knees and twiddle his fingers.

"Yeah I know, do you think it was easy to watch my two little sisters go away?" Larota asked as she knelt to him.

"No..." Mikey said sadly.

"Yeah it was not but I trust them and know they will come back besides it is just training you can not die from training easily," Larota said as she pats his shoulder.

"Thanks, Larota... I should uh get back and uh do not tell the others about this?" Mikey asked as he began to worry about Leonardo's lecture.

"Not a word," Larota said as she and Mikey went their separate ways back to their homes.

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