Time To Go Home

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"Found anything?" Larota questioned April.

"No sign of Mikey anywhere but... I found a spell, it would destroy my crystal but if it means reuniting Mikey and Amoly it will be worth it," April declared as she held the crystal in her hand that she got from a certain witch friend of hers.

Larota looked at Amoly's gravestone before uttering, "I just hope it is not too late..."

"We will find him... who knows maybe Amoly will help us find him...." April uttered worriedly.

Mikey jumped across rooftops fighting the purple dragons... solo. Mikey slashed one of the purple dragon's cheeks.

"Scums like you are the reason why it is not safe in this city," Mikey spat as he gritted his teeth.

"Well if this city was not filled with disgusting mutants like you," the purple dragon laughed.

In a matter of seconds, Mikey breathed heavily as blood slipped down his arm. He looked up at the starry sky, wishing he could see Amoly's smile, the smell of her perfume, her sky blue crystal eyes... he would do anything just to see his girl... but she was gone as he looked at the ground, a tear slipped down his cheek.

April held her crystal tight, Venus and Leo standing back holding their twin one-year-olds, Larota and Talena both watched closely, Donnie could not stand to watch in fear of it going wrong, and Ralph stayed on guard in case it tried to explode on them.

April held her hand out as the crystal floated above her hands. A girl walked up to April, her hair long and black, her eyes a rich dark amethyst, her dress was knee length which was dark purple with a black belt and her black high heels.

"Once we do this we will both be significantly drained and may take several weeks to recover," the girl spoke softly as she looked at April.

"I understand and willing to take the risk," April stated as she turned to the girl and they both started floating the crystal.

"Then repeat after me..." the girl whispered as she began saying a chant, her voice getting louder with each word. April saying with her.

The rocks under Mikey's feet shook as he heard sirens heading in his direction. Mikey climbed up the fire escape and ran away from the alley, a spirit like a person stood in front of Mikey as he skidded to a stop.

"Michelangelo..." the strange spirit whispered.

"How do you know my name?" Mikey curiously questioned.

"Follow me I will show you," the spirit whispered as she motioned to the door frame she came from.

Mikey took one step in and then went in completely, the spirit followed him and closed the door behind her.

April and the girl finished their chant as they slowly knelt to Amoly's grave and they pushed the crystal into the ground without touching the delicate crystal. When the glowing stopped both girls breathed heavily as they collapsed. Larota, Ralph, and Leo were all alarmed as they watched to see if it worked or not.

Mikey followed the strange spirit through what seemed like a castle, the walls were all white, the floors and windows were different shades of purple. Finally, the spirit took Mikey to the island that he saw in his dream.

"What?" Mikey questioned as he put his hand on the tree.

"Michaelangelo you came here a year ago and saw your beloved Amoly, ever since that day she has sat here and waited for your return," the spirit informed Mikey.

"Where is she now?" Mikey asked as he looked at the spirit tears in his eyes.

The spirit motioned to the other side of the bridge. There sat two familiar figures... Amoly... and... Master Splinter with his wife... Mikey ran as fast as he could to them and tried to hug them but he went right through them but none of them saw him.

"What?..." Mikey asked as his heart sank.

"Mikey you are still alive... you cannot interact with the dead..." the spirit explained.

"How can I talk to you then?" Mikey asked as he watched Amoly's beautiful face.

"I am still alive and dead, I visit here often because I can travel between both worlds..." the spirit explained as she walked to Mikey and put her hand on his back gently, her long raven black hair fell to the side revealing more of her elegant white dress that has a slit on the side showing her white heels with angel wing design on the back of them.

"How do I take her back home?" Mikey questioned sadly.

"Your friends are bringing her back now come let us guide her back to her grave," the spirit said with a warm smile.

"Yeah," Mikey smiled as hope-filled his lifeless eyes.

The spirit grabbed Amoly's hand gently and whispered, "it is time to go home now."

Amoly stood up confused and followed the spirit, Mikey looked at Master Splinter one last time, he saw how happy he was to be with his wife again.

"See you one day father..." Mikey whispered as he followed the spirit back to the portal.

The spirit let them both through as she waved goodbye her fingers snapped and the door vanishes, Mikey was on the ground of a roof, his head spinning as if he drank too much.

Amoly was on top of her grave as she breathed heavily and looked around. She saw everyone but... Mikey... her heart sank at the thought that Mikey may have given his life for hers or that he left or that he killed himself or... thoughts just kept rushing through her head. Venus put the babies in Leo's arms and ran and hugged Amoly, Talena and Larota did the same. Amoly smiled with tears as she hugged her sisters back.

Mikey slowly sat up and coughed up blood, he looked at his arm and saw he had a huge deep cut from the fight. He slowly stood but fell back to the ground.

Go to her...

Mikey heard a voice whisper. Mikey stood up, determination filled his body. Mikey ran back to where Amoly's gravestone was. Mikey weakly climbed up the hill, his vision started to fade in and out, his head spun. Mikey breathed heavily as he took two steps towards his friends... no, his family... he saw Ralph and Donnie, then Leo and the twins and finally Larota, Venus, Talena, and.... his Amoly... as a smile stretched across his face before he felt his body hit the ground and everything goes dark. The last thing he heard was...


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