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Leo was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling as he threw a ball straight up and then caught it before it hit him. Mikey was sitting at Leo's desk spinning around in the chair being silly like usual. Meanwhile, April was sitting on the pillow meditating.

"So do we agree to not tell the others of what we saw?" Leo asked Mikey and April in a serious but gentle tone as he threw the ball up.

"Why?" Mikey questioned.

Leo looked over at Mikey as he caught the ball without looking before sitting up and saying, "Mikey if we tell the others they will think you, April and I are insane... we are lucky April believed us and was able to cover our butts."

"Well I have sensed their presence for quite some time now," April said as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Wait you have??" Leo asked looking at her before continuing; "why did you not tell us sooner??"

"Like you said before, you all would have thought I was insane," April simple stated before closing her eyes and returning to her meditation.

"Fair enough," Leo said as he laid back on the bed before continuing, "I say that if we wait in due time the girls will need our help."

Months have passed and there has been no sign of the girls anywhere, April even had a hard time sensing their presence. After sometime Leo and April began to lose hope but Mikey did not, he promised himself one day they would come around. Time kept passing by each day feeling longer and longer for Mikey. After roughly two years Mikey began to lose hope. Mikey heard a scream echo down the sewers. The entire gang heard it and all got up and began to run to where they heard the scream.

"What was that?!" Ralph asked as they ran.

"Remember two years ago when Mikey said he saw girl mutant turtles??" Leo asked as he ran leading the group.

"Yeah," Donnie yelled from the back of the group as he ran to keep up.

"Well, they are real! I met two of them and that scream sounded like the youngest member of them," Leo said as he turned right and everyone followed him.

"How many are there?! How long have they been here?!" Ralph asked kinda frustrated on how mutants were around without him and Don knowing.

"There are four of them and they have been staying hidden with two others but since two years ago the two others went missing and it was just the four girls. They have been here for as long as you all have," April explained as she somehow kept up with all of them.

"How the shell were they here for 20 years without us knowing?!" Donnie yelled but asked in amazement and confusion.

"We do not know now come on!" Leo yelled as he turned right three times in a row.

Leo kept leading them, they were going around in circles until they heard another scream. This time Mikey took the lead as he ran straight to the scream and they finally arrived. The four girls were in cells, the cotton candy pink masked girl was sitting on the ground her chains around her ankles and wrists so tight she began to bleed. The baby blue mask turtle's chains were around her wrist and tied up to the ceiling making her hang, she also had chains around her ankles tied down to the floor. The scarlet red mask turtle was chained to the wall her arms and legs spread out as she growled fighting the chains. The lilac purple mask turtle was laying on the ground, she looked weak and sick as her chains were loose but still tight enough she could not wiggle out of them. Mikey was about to get up and run to save them but Leo held him back and pointed at all the foot soldiers guarding the girls.

"We need a plan," Leo said whispering as he and the gang got low to the ground so they could not be seen.

"I can get the baby blue mask girl down with my fans so she can help us," April said as she flipped her fans out.

"Good, any other ideas?" Leo asked as he looked at the others.

"Well the lilac purple mask girl seems too weak to fight so we will need to get her last and get her somewhere safe," Donnie said as he looked at the logical side.

"The scarlet mask girl will be hard to free but with time I am sure I can bust her out," Ralph said as he spun his sais.

"I can free the pink mask girl," Mikey said as he looked over at Leo.

"Sounds like a plan Donnie and I will hold off the foot, now go to your designated position," Leo whispered as he motioned them to go.

April got up in a high place and held both her fans making the blades sharp. Mikey was near the pink mask girls cage she saw him but he put a finger over his lips motioning her to be silent. Leo was ready to take out the soldiers guarding the baby blue mask turtle, Donnie was ready to take care of the foot soldiers guarding the pink mask turtle. Ralph was also ready to take out the soldiers guarding the scarlet masked turtle. April whistled as she threw her fans cutting both the chains on the baby blue mask turtle. Leo took out the guards guarding the baby blue mask turtle before catching her. The baby blue mask girl looked at him in shock and she was worried but she knew there was no time to explain. Donnie and Ralph took out their guards as Mikey freed the pink mask girl and Ralph freed the scarlet mask girl. Donnie got over and helped the lilac mask girl and carried her to the others.

"You all should not have come! He will get you too!" baby blue mask girl hissed at them.

Then they heard clanking metal come down the hallway, the boys took stance except for Donnie who protected the lilac girl, April took stance as two huge boulders floated up and the three girls who were not unconscious took stance.

The figure got closer as all the boys froze as they saw who it was then anger filled their eyes.

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