The Attack

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"Well we know April was here during the battle," Venus stated as she pointed to an old map of the sewers.

"We all branched off this way," Leo said as he pointed to one of the tunnels on the map.

"So there were only two ways she could have gone this way and this way," Talena said as she pointed out the two tunnels branching off the first tunnel.

"Let us go check both tunnels and see if any clues are indicating which tunnel she used," Amoly said as she got up from her seat.

Everyone nodded and went their respected ways and people. Venus was paired with Leo, Amoly with Mikey, Larota with Ralph, and Talena with Donnie. Mikey and Amoly were walking down the tunnel, the eerie silence haunting both of them.

"I never liked the eerie silence in the sewers," Amoly said while trying to start conversation.

"Me neither," Mikey said with a chuckle.

Amoly looked over at Mikey, her crystal blue eyes glistening in the low lighting. Mikey glanced at her but quickly looking away feeling his cheeks were burning hot red.

"You dork," Amoly laughed as she looked around searching for clues.

"Hey! Do not call me that!" Mikey yelled as he followed her.

Then Mikey heard footsteps approaching them fast, Mikey took a stance and pulled out his nunchucks. Amoly was kneeling on the ground when she slowly stood up and turned around seeing Mikey in his stance, fear stroke her eyes as she pulled out her nunchucks. For she did not like fighting in tight enclosed spaces.

Before this time April's eyes slowly began to flutter open and she felt a sharp pain in her wrists. She looked up and saw her hands were chained together and hanging from the ceiling, her arms felt numb indicating she must have been hanging for a while. She looked around and pieced together that she was still in the sewers. April tried to wiggle her hands to see if she could break free but she failed miserably. Then a dark shadow figure walked towards her, the tone of the figure was dark and deep, indicating to her that it was a man.

"Soon your turtle friends will come for you and after I extract the mutagen from their bodies they will perish and I will finally have my last ingredient!" the figured yelled before he laughed.

April felt fear surge through her body as she fought her chains more, "you will never get away with this!" she yelled.

"On the contrary, I will Miss O'Neil or should I say future Mrs. Jones?" the figure said with a wicked grin across his face.

"If you lay one hand on them I swear..." April said before being cut off by the figure.

"You will what? Kill me? Oh, you are all big talk Miss O'Neil but you will do nothing to me," the figure said with a sinister laugh.

That was when they both heard Mikey yelling, the figure turned around.

"Ah the weak one has shown up," the figure said as he grabbed his sword and armor.

"No! Mikey!" April screamed, "Mikey run!"

April kept screaming but then the figure shot a sleeping dart into her leg.

"Mikey... No..." April muttered before the sleeping medicine knocked her out.

The figure slowly approached Mikey and Amoly, dragging the sword against the ground. He saw Mikey already in a stance and the girl as well.

"Ah, I see you have a little friend with you Michaelangelo," the figure said as he picked up his sword.

"How do you know my name?" Mikey asked letting his guard down.

"Because you will be killed by me!" the figure yelled as he kicked Mikey into the wall.

"Mikey!" Amoly yelled she was going to run to him but Mikey stopped her.

"Go get the others Amoly!" Mikey yelled.

Amoly turned around and ran as fast as she could the figure went rushing after her but he felt a chain wrap around his ankle and yanked him to the ground.

"Not under my watch," Mikey said with a stern tone.

The figure got up and charged at Mikey.

Amoly kept running, unsure if the figure was still following her or not. Amoly ran straight into Leo and Leo caught her before she fell backward.

"Amoly? What is wrong?" Venus asked in concern.

"Where is Mikey?" Leo asked trying his best to conceal his concern.

Amoly was panting but she took a deep breath and calmed down before saying, "we were attacked by some man... he knew Mikey and said he was going to kill him, Mikey told me to run and I did because I knew we alone could not take on the man. We have to hurry back before the man hurts Mikey!"

"Woah slow down sis, where are they?" Venus asked trying to comprehend what her sister was saying.

"They are straight down this tunnel, or at least they were before I ran," Amoly said.

"Okay Leonardo, go to your brother we will send the others your way," Venus said as she looked at Leo.

Leo nodded and ran straight down the tunnel, Amoly and Venus looked at each other then ran to find the others.

Mikey breathed heavily, gashes up and down his arms as he weakly twirled his nunchuck. The figure sinisterly laughed as he looked at Mikey.

"Pathetic I have not even broken a sweat," the figure said as he picked his sword up.

"Mikey I am coming!" Leo yelled down the hallway.

Mikey turned around distracted by Leo, "Leo?" he questioned.

Then Mikey felt a sharp pain through his chest as he looked down and saw a blade had gone through his chest. Then he watched the sword be pulled back out of him. Mikey barely touched the wound as he saw the blood on his fingers, he fell to his knees as he felt something cold and wet slip down the side of his mouth.

"Michaelangelo no!" was the last thing Mikey heard Leo say before Mikey fell to his side and watched everything go dark.

Amoly and Venus had just found Ralph and Larota, they took them to Donnie and Talena then they all headed in the direction Leonardo and Michaelangelo were in. When they saw them they all froze as the two boys fell to their knees in shock. Leonardo... holding a lifeless Michaelangelo...

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