Those Grey Eyes

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Mikey looked back at his brothers, "come on!" he yelled to them.

"Ugh he finds out his girlfriend is alive and he somehow manages to the travel faster than he ever has," Ralph complained.

"Love makes you do crazy things bro," Leo said as he followed Mikey and Donnie.

"Just over the hill and--" Donnie said before dropping his tracker.

"What is it?!" Ralph said running to them worried.

Mikey fell to his knees sobbing.

Leo finally caught up to them and looked at what they were looking at...

Talena and Amoly both lying on the ground... not moving... they watched as Talena moved a little trying to reach for Amoly's hand... Amoly her eyes grey and lifeless... her skin lost of color and as cold as ice...

The man stepped out slowly, laughing as he licked the blood off the knife that was covered in Talena and Amoly's blood, his sinister grin stretching across his face.

Leo put his hand up telling Ralph to stand down... but then... Mikey grabbed his nunchucks and charged at the man, he kicked the man into a tree. The man grunted as did his best to dodge most of Mikey's attacks... Mikey kept slashing him with the blade on the end of his nunchucks, Mikey had the man on the ground... seconds from death... then... Ralph ran in between them and hugged Mikey.

"This is not you little brother... do not become the monster he wants you to become... do not let the anger take over... he will pay for what he has done... but do not go down to his level... be strong and smart... you are better than him!" Ralph said as he kept hugging his brother.

Mikey dropped his nunchucks and sobbed into Ralph's shoulder. As flashbacks flooded his mind.

Mikey and Amoly sitting on the couch playing video games... Mikey laying his head on her lap while he was recovering... her leaving.

Mikey hugged Ralph tightly as he screamed and sobbed more. Ralph fought back the tears, seeing his little brother like this destroyed him.

Donnie managed to save Talena and he touched Amoly's skin and could tell she was gone for far too long.

Leo called Venus, "Venus we found them... Talena alive and well... Amoly... ice cold..." Leo could hear sobbing on the other end of the line then a faint, "thank you..." before the phone beeped indicating the call ended. Leo ran over and hugged Ralph and Mikey. They went back home and tried everything to save Amoly.

6 months passed... Leo and his girlfriend were taking care of their twins but Leo was more worried about Mikey... during the day Ralph, Larota, and Leo took turns going to Mikey... since Mikey sleeps during the day he wakes up screaming and crying every few minutes... during night Ralph and Larota spend more time following him... Ralph says Mikey has burned his orange mask and put on a black one... why none of us know...

A few weeks later we started to notice Mikey was never home anymore... we all began to worry... we know to cope with death is different for everyone but even when Master Splinter passed away Mikey never shunned his family like this... it just was not like him... after about three months Mikey quit coming home completely... we were all worried as for no one knew where he was except April who swore she would never tell us unless it became a drastic time for us to know...

"How are you feeling Mikey?" April asked as she put a cold rag on his head gently.

"I miss her April... I never even got the chance to tell her I loved her... and now she is gone... why did they have to take her?! Why could they not have taken me?!" Mikey said tears in his eyes.

"I am sure you two will find a way to reunite one day..." April said trying to be comforting.

"Do you wanna keep researching?" April asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah I would like that very much," Mikey said as he went to her small library with her.

When Amoly passed away Mikey spent many nights at my house, something about seeing Talena enrages him and almost makes him want to kill her that is why he is staying with me but he did not want to tell the others because well.... he fears they would hate him for it but Mikey has been able to somewhat cope with it... he has not done anything irrational and he has been helpful... ever since he stayed here he has had good dreams about her

April thought to herself.

That night Mikey and April laid there silently both sleeping peacefully.

Mikey "woke" on an island with a tree but it was strange since the tree was huge and there was no water... just air and there she was... Amoly... his Amoly...

"Amoly?!" he questioned as tears slipped down his cheeks.

"Mikey..." Amoly said tears in her eyes as she ran and hugged him tight.

"But this can not be... you are dead... I visit your grave every day..." Mikey said pain in his voice as he choked on tears.

"Your hope and love has kept my spirit thriving Mikey..." Amoly said as she put her hand on his cheek, "but sadly I do not know when we will ever be able to see each other in the real world..."

"Amoly I--" Mikey said but he was cut off by a ringing bell then he woke up in the real world next to April.

April yawned, "everything okay?" she asked tiredly.

"Uh yeah sorry did not mean to wake you," Mikey said as he pulled the blanket back over her.

"It is no problem just try to sleep," she said as she dozed back off.

was that a dream? Or was that really her...?

I guess all I can do is hope for now... and keep her close to my heart...

Mikey said to himself as he laid back down and fell back asleep.

But this time he did not "wake up" with Amoly...

One year..... and yet it feels like it has been centuries since her death... I only saw her that one night on that mysterious island... maybe she is gone now... I love you Amoly but...


Authors Note!

I will be posting two chapters next Tuesday since one of the chapters is so small. I hope you enjoyed! See you next Tuesday!

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