Safe and Sound

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The girls were speechless... there was no sign of the figure and there was no sign of April... Just Leonardo holding lifeless Michaelangelo. Donnie ran over and felt for Mikey's pulse.

Donnie gasped as he said, "there is a faint pulse! But he is fading fast! We must hurry!"

Venus nodded, "we can not go though... you boys are his brother you three must take Michaelangelo and save him, we girls will stay back and find April."

The boys got up without argument and ran back to the lair with Michaelangelo. Venus looked at Amoly before Venus said, "go with them if you want."

"No... we need to find April and make that guy pay for what he has done!" Amoly said determinedly.

"Let us get going now," Larota said as she climbed up the ladder then the fire escapes to get to the rooftops.

When the girls finally made it to the rooftops they huddled together.

"Okay, so we know the figure and April got away on foot," Talena said as she pointed to the map.

"Yes... and if April saw the incident she would be slowing him down dramatically," Venus said as she looked at the map.

"Then they could only go these two ways, and they would go above ground to avoid us since we travel in the sewers typically," Talena said as she pointed to two tunnels leading to the surface.

"Hey, you mean the guy carrying April over there?" Larota asked as she used her sharp, glistening kama to point at a figure carrying a tied up girl over his shoulder.

"Even if it is not April, that girl still needs help," Amoly said as she began to run after the guy and girl.

Larota, Venus, and Talena ran after Amoly. They kept close to her but Larota got ahead of her and took out two small balls with a metal string connecting them. She threw them at the feet of the figure, the string wrapped around his feet then the magnets in the balls connected and tripped him to the ground.

The man grunted as he began to untangle his feet but the girls had already caught up and Larota pinned him to the ground with her hand on his shoulder. Venus held her sharp metal fans close to his neck.

"One wrong move and I promise this will be the last thing you ever see, got it?!" Venus said anger in her voice as she put the fan away.

The man nodded in fear before Venus said, "good now tell us why did you take April?!"

"Come on man I can not tell you that!" the figure said as he felt his heart began to race. He did not wanna die today, not like this.

"Larota," Venus said as she looked at her sister.

Larota nodded as she picked the man up and took him to the edge of the roof.

"Now you have two choices, tell us where April is and why you took her. OR you can die right here, right now and never see your family or loved ones ever again," Amoly said, anger in her voice as she grabbed his shirt, "and if I was you I would pick my answer fast, my older sister does not like to be kept waiting."

They all stood there in silence then Larota began to let the man go, then he screamed, "no! Okay okay, I will tell you what you want to know! Just put me down!"

Larota threw him into the chimney.

Amoly picked him back up and slammed him against the wall, "now start talking!"

"They call themselves the chosen ones! They go after certain people for certain reasons! April is a scientist, a good one at that!! Good scientists are hard to find nowadays! But the chosen ones want to kill all mutants! Even you four! They ordered me to kill your friend! I am sorry I did not want to hurt him! But they said if any mutants get in the way to kill them!" the man explained as he began to sob.

A tear slipped down Amoly's cheek as she dropped him to the ground before saying, "take us to April now!"

"Yes! Yes! Anything for you four girls!" the man said as he scrambled up.

Larota leaned over and whispered to Talena, "I do not think I like this new Amoly..."

"Well we at least know, she does love Mikey," Talena whispered back to Larota before following Amoly and the man, then Larota and Venus hesitantly followed.

When they arrived at an empire Amoly looked at the guy before saying, "where is she specifically?"

"She will be in room 218, on the second floor..." the man said as he pointed to a window with the light on, "that room."

"Thank you, now get out of here before we change our minds," Venus said as she went to Amoly's side.

"Well at least this was not all in vain, now we can go save April..." Amoly said with a smile.

"There's my goofy sister," Venus laughed as she hugged Amoly, "we were scared that we lost you." 

"You are not losing this goofy one any time soon," Amoly laughed as she hugged Venus back, "I just did not want Mikey to get hurt over nothing... but we found her and we will bring her back home safe."

The girls all laughed as they snuck into April's room, April looked up at them and smiled as she hugged them.

"Where are the guys? Is Mikey okay?" April asked quickly.

Venus softly spoke, "the boys took Michaelangelo home to heal and recover from the wounds he got in battle, Donatello said Michaelangelo will be okay."

"Good," April whispered before continuing, "now let us go home."

With that, the girls quietly escaped and ran across the rooftops, the stars shining bright above them before they got to a certain alley and went down into the sewers. They continued to the lair when they arrived Splinter hugged all the girls and sighed in relief when he saw they all came home safe and sound.  Amoly went to Mikey while the others all stayed in the living room. Amoly pulled a chair quietly up to his bed, sat down and held his hand.

"We did it... she is home now... you can rest Mikey..." Amoly said as a tear slipped down her cheek, then she felt Mikey relax as she smiled.

He was home safe, April was home safe... Everyone was home safe, what could possibly go wrong?

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