Proud Father (FINALE)

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"What happened then?? What happened next??" a little girl asked as she jumped up and down on the bed.

Amoly laughed and kissed her head as she tucked her in.

"Well..." Mikey began before being cut off by Amoly.

"Well it is past your bedtime sweetie," Amoly said as she stood up.

"Aw come on! You left at the good part! Dad tell me what happened next???" the little girl begged as she sat back up.

Mikey laughed, "fine just a little longer."

Amoly sighed and rolled her eyes as she sat on the bed, "well after your dad blacked out..."

Mikey slowly woke up back in his room with his head pounding, he looked at his arm and saw it bandaged, he saw a sleeping Amoly laying her head next to his arm. Mikey smiled as she gently put his hand on her back. Amoly instantly woke up as she sat up and tears filled her eyes.

"Mikey!" she yelled as she hugged him tightly but gently.

Mikey hugged her back and held her close, never wanting to let her go. Some time passed by and Mikey began to be able to move around as he swept Amoly off her feet, she giggled.

Throughout the years they would sit on the couch and watch movies while cuddling, they fought many battles side by side always protecting each other. They even had fun spending time with all their nieces and nephews.

After two years of dating, Mikey took Amoly to the woods and he laid out a blanket and set up a picnic basket. They laughed and enjoyed their time together watching the stars, eating and playing around. Amoly had her head on his chest, smiling. Mikey had his arm around her as he smiled down at her. Mikey then asked if she could please stand up. Amoly did curiously. Mikey sat up and got on one knee as he held one of her hands. She covered her mouth with the other.

"Amoly I know we have only known each other for three years but the year you were gone destroyed me and I never want to lose you again, I will love you, in sickness and in health, will you... Amoly let me be a part of your life and marry me?" Mikey asked as he showed her the ring in a small box.

Amoly giggled as she smiled and said, "Yesssss!!!!"

Mikey put the ring on her and stood to hug his new fiancee. They both smiled and laughed.

"Awwww," the little girl said before adding, "when did you and dad have me??"

"Well my little doll," Mikey started before he picked her up and held her close, "your mother and I were so happy together that we wanted to share a bundle of joy and you were the lucky one."

"Yay!" the little girl giggled as she hugged her mother and father.

Mikey and Amoly hugged their daughter and each other. Mikey looked up, just thinking of how proud Splinter would be.


Sorry that this chapter was so short but it was the finale since even the best stories do have to come to an end. Now that this book has finished I will be more focused on the other 3 series and keep an eye out there will soon be a trailer for a new series! I will not spoil it just know it will be another TMNT Story! Well, I hope you enjoyed this series and can not wait to see you all during the other series!

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