Mikey's Recovery

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Months had passed, Michaelangelo has been able to walk around a little bit. Leonardo has been helping him to make sure Mikey does not fall and open his stitches up. Splinter says Mikey is a strong fighter and lucky to have survived from such an injury. Ralphael has been sleeping during the day and out searching for the guy the girls let getaway at night... Larota has been following him since Master Splinter does not want anyone going out alone but she also takes her morning shift of helping Mikey so she does not get sleep often. Amoly has been cooking for everyone and spends most of her time with Mikey but since she is significantly weaker she can not help him herself. Venus spends most of her day meditating and she stays up all night to make sure Larota and Ralph come home since they come back at a certain time. Donnie and Talena spend most of their days, and some nights, in the lab, building new inventions, there has been some nights Venus had to tell them to go to bed. Karai and April had stopped by a few times to check on Mikey, April has even brought Mikey his favorite comic book series and his favorite soup. Mikey always has a huge smile when he sees April even though she blames herself for Mikey's physical state. Finally, it was Amoly and Mikey alone in the living room eating salty, buttery popcorn as they watched their favorite show for the hundredth time.

"You know you do not have to waste most your day with a weakling like me," Mikey said as he repositioned himself being mindful of the bandages around his chest.

"Waste my day?" Amoly asked worried as she sat up and faced him resting her elbow against the couch so her hand could be resting on her rosy pink mask.

"Yeah you know having to sit out here with me every day because Don and Lena are worried it is too soon for me to start doing things," Mikey said as he looked at the lab then back at the ground.

"Michaelangelo..." Amoly started before putting her other hand on his, "I cherish every moment I spend with you... I never feel like I am wasting my day, of anything you actually keep me busy and not wanting to kill the guy who hurt you heh," she said with a sweet giggle and a soft smile.

Venus sat down next to him and stole some popcorn before saying, "besides the crime has been so low right now we girls would have nothing to do, so you boys make our days so much better."

"I guess you are all right," Mikey said with a sigh.

"You bet we are," Amoly said before patting his hand.

"Now let me go get your medicine," Amoly said before getting up cheerfully and going into the kitchen.

"Oh that energetic sister of mine," Venus said with a soft, half-smile as she shook her head.

"You know I can tell you like her," Venus said softly enough so only Mikey could hear.

Mikey's face turned crimson rose red, "I have no idea what you are talking about," he studdered.

Venus laughed a bit, "sure you do not."

Then Amoly returned with a cup of water and some pills, "Oh Mikey your face is red are you running a fever?" Amoly questioned as she pressed the back of her hand against his forehead gently.

"No, I am fine thank you though!" Mikey said quickly as he took the medicine and drank some water.

"Very well then," Amoly said as she took her seat back next to him.

They continued to watch their shows for about two hours then Venus got up.

"I am going to meditate," Venus said as she stretched her way to the dojo.

Mikey stretched before saying, "I think I am going to take a nap soon."

"I need to cook dinner soon," Amoly said as she continued to watch the show.

After a few minutes of watching the tv, Amoly felt something touch her legs. At first, she was confused as for the object was much bigger than a hand. Amoly looked down to see a sleeping Mikey's head laying in her lap. Amoly smiled as she pulled a blanket out and laid it on him.

"Sleep well Mikey," Amoly whispered.

Larota soon came out of her room and stretched then she hopped down from the second floor onto the first.

"I will make dinner since you are occupied Amoly," Larota chuckled as she went into the kitchen.

Amoly felt her cheeks burning hot red but she could not help but smile when she heard Michaelangelo's soft cute snoring. Venus peeped her head out of the room and smiled at the two love birds.

"They are perfect for each other," Leo softly whispered as he stood behind Venus.

"They are, and they will have cute kids," Venus smiled as she went back to the center of the room and did her handstand as she slowly stood on one hand.

"Wait... what??" Leo questioned bewildered by the statement Venus had made.

"Simple Leo, I want to be an aunt. Larota and Ralph are too big of hotheads to have a kid anytime soon, Donnie and Talena can not even put down their tools long enough to have a child. Us, well I want to be an aunt, not a mother," Venus said as she looked at Leo for a second before closing her eyes, "yet."

Leo blushed crimson red before shaking it off and going to Amoly before whispering, "did he take his medicine?"

Amoly nodded as she motioned to the empty cup.

"Are you good?" Leo whispered softly as he picked the cup up quietly.

Amoly whispered, "I am fine Leonardo, thank you though."

"You are welcome," Leo softly said before he went off into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Amoly played with the ends of Mikey's mask gently before whispering, "if only we were all human then our kids could live normal lives..."

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