Chapter 1 Announcement

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Danny's POV

I have a bad feeling. Not one single ghost has attacked today. Not even the Box ghost, and he attacks everyday! People would see this as a good sign. I do not.

"Danny, you are worrying over nothing. The ghosts are probably having a day off," Tucker said. I look at him with a deadpan face.

"All of the ghosts, Tucker?"

Over the past four years, we have all changed. Valerie and Dash joined our group and kept our secrets. I figured out that ghosts have dominants and submissives. I am a submissive, so I have a more feminine body and curves. I grew out my hair and keep it in a low ponytail, I also have this snow white streak in my hair that showed up one day. My prefered clothes are skin tight crop tops and leggings, but I wear extremely baggy clothes to school to cover up the scars and muscles that I have developed. I wear a baggy black shirt with a black hoodie and baggy jeans. I have a tattoo on my back. I have my DP symbol interlocked with Dani's DP symbol and Sam's purple rose, Tucker's symbol is a lightning bolt, Valerie's Red huntress symbol is right above the Dp, Dash is represented by a football, my crown and ring of rage are in the middle of my DP, and it is all shrouded in green and blue flames. My Ghost form has changed as well,

This is what they look like, Danny is the same height as Sam and has a braid instead of a ponytail (too tired to explain) Valerie looks the same except she is taller and puts her hair in a braid

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This is what they look like, Danny is the same height as Sam and has a braid instead of a ponytail (too tired to explain) Valerie looks the same except she is taller and puts her hair in a braid. Dash looks the same as well.

We walk into Mr. Lancer's class just in time to hear him announce a field trip. I go to my seat and start to write a poem in Esperanto.

"Class since we have a great number of ghost attacks, our class has been chosen to do a trial run field trip. We will be going to explore and see if responsible seniors like yourselves can handle it," Mr. Lancer explained.

"Where are we going?" Star asked.

"We are going to-"

"THE GHOST ZONE!!!!" Jack came in yelling. I fell out of my seat, this is definitely a bad idea. Dash, Sam, Tucker, and Valerie looked at me with sympathy. For the rest of the class Maddie and Jack explain things about the Ghost Zone, so I just continue writing.


"Obviously not," I replied.

"What are you writing?" She snatches the poem off of my desk, "What is this gibberish?"

"Phantom of the Opera! When did Danny learn Esperanto?" Mr. Lancer said as he read my poem.

"He didn't, we didn't teach him and he certainly isn't s-"

"What I'm not smart enough? Is that what you were going to say? Just so you know, I get straight A's in all of my classes."

Danny Phantom: Field Trip to The Ghost ZoneWhere stories live. Discover now