Chapter 5 Appointment With The Jail Warden

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Danny's POV

I woke up in Dash's lap, so I kissed him quickly.

"Where are we?" I ask him.

"We made it the Far Frozen. Frostbite gave you a robotic arm," He replied. I looked down at my left arm, and sure enough, there was a black robotic arm with green lines going down it in zig-zag patterns. It looked cool. I twitched my new fingers to test out the feel. It moved greatly.

I get up to make sure that everyone was okay. I exited the bedroom we were in and made my way to the living room. I was glad to see that everyone was okay and watching tv. I spotted Frostbite in a corner of the room, so I walked up to him.

"Thank you, Frostbite, for patching me up," I said.

"It was no problem, Great one!" he replied cheerfully.

"Do you have a carriage ready?"

"Yes, you should leave after lunch."

"Wanting to get rid of us already?"

"You have been asleep for two days. Your birthday is tomorrow, and your wedding the day after. I thought you'd want to be gone before then."

"Oh, when is lunch?"

"Right now." I smile and address the class, Mr Lancer, and my parents.

"Alright! Time for lunch!" We all headed to the dining area where two other ghosts are waiting, "Ellie! Flame Brain!"

"Daddy!" Danielle, or Ellie, yelled as she jumped into my arms.

"Hey Sparky! How's the arm?" Ember asked.

"The arm's great!" I replied.

"Why did that girl call you 'daddy'" Mikey asked. (Bet you thought that I forgot about him. I did, but I bet you did too)

"Danielle is Phantom's clone. She doesn't have an actual father, so she chose me. I will officially adopt her once I am eighteen," I explained as I sat down between Dash and Ellie. Sam sat with Jazz, and Valerie sat by Tucker across from us.

~After Lunch~

Once everyone got done eating, Frostbite lead us to the carriage. I said goodbye to Ellie and Ember. They were going to meet us at Pandora's tomorrow.

"Okay! We are heading towards another friendly ghost, but to get there, we have to cross paths with a dangerous one. When I tell you to be quiet, I really mean that." I said to everyone as went up to the front to steer the horses. Everything was fine for the first hour until we started to pass Walker's prison, "Everyone be quiet. We are passing the prison."

"PRISON!?" most of the class yelled.


"Don't worry Danny, there is no way Walker could of heard us!" Tucker said. At that moment, we were surrounded by prison guards.

"You are forbidden to talk, Tucker."

"Sorry," everything went black.

a/n MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *cough* Cliffhangers are so much fun! I will never complain about a cliffhanger again. So, Bad Luck Tuck strikes again! Will they make it out alive? What will happen? Figure out in the next chapter of Danny Phantom: Field Trip to The Ghost Zone.

~Lilith Out

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