Epilouge Waking Up

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Danny's Pov

Hello? I heard in my head.

Is anyone there? I asked mentally.


Who are you?

It's me, Phantom. Maddie separated us.

How are you in my head?

Maybe because we use to share a body. That makes sense. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a medical bed with Dash holding my hand and Phantom was on another bed, also holding Dash's hand. Phantom and I made eye contact. He looks different.

(This is what they look like, except they still have the long hair)

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(This is what they look like, except they still have the long hair)

"Phantom," I said. Dash woke up to my voice. He leaned over and kissed me then he kissed Phantom. It is nice to know that he loves the both of us. I was scared about that.

"I'm glad you are awake. We had to postpone the wedding again. And we have to discuss. I love you both equally, the thing is, do you both want to marry me?" I looked at Phantom and he nodded.

"Yes!" We said while jumping on him.

"We get married tomorrow. No more delays." He said while carrying us both to the living room where we ate more muffins and celebrated our waking up. We were asleep for three weeks.

~Wedding Day~

Phantom and I were in the same room because we were the 'brides' and Dash is the groom. I had on a long, sleeveless turtleneck dress. It was white and has black highlights. Phantom had on a short black dress that came to his knees. The dress has white highlights. We are both wearing black boots and we had our hair curled with flower crowns. We hear the music start and Vlad walks us down the aisle. It's time.

~After the Wedding~

We ran into our room and started our 'wedding night'. Dash and Phantom pinned me between their bodies. Dash started to kiss me while Phantom was kissing me neck. I started to unbuckle Dash's pants and pull them down. I then felt a cold hand on my dick. Phantom was palming me through my underwear. He must have phased off my dress.

Dash leads me to the bed as Phantom takes off his clothes. We take off the rest of our clothes, and Phantom gets in between my legs. He starts to suck me off as Dash prepares him. Dash must've hit Phantom's prostate because Phantom suddenly moaned into my cock causing me to moan at the pleasure as I gripped onto his hair. Phantom stopped sucking on my cock and I whined a little at the loss of touch before he turned me around and started to prepare me. I moaned as he found my prostate, but then he pulled out, but his fingers were quickly replaced by something larger.

~No ones Pov~

As Phantom started to pound into Danny, Dash did the same thing to phantom. This went on until all of them came into each other. They went to sleep with Danny in the middle.

A/n This is the end of my story. I am not going to do a sequel. Sorry about the cringy smut scene. It was my first time. I hope you liked this chapter.

~Lilith out

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