Chapter 8 Delirious Danny

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Nightwing/Richard's POV

I walked with the team into Pandora's ballroom. Everyone was conversing and there was a puddle of blood on the floor. Jazz runs up and hugs me.

"You made it!" she yelled. The class all looked shocked that she was hugging a superhero.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss my brothers birthday. Where is he?" I said while hugging her back.

"He got hurt, so Frostbite is fixing him up."

"Why are you hugging The Nightwing?" a Hispanic girl asked while drooling over Superboy. That bitch. He's mine. I think while Conner wraps his arm around me. I think she creeps him out.

"We helped them out when they came to investigate the paranormal signatures of this town. Nightwing and Danny are like brothers," Jazz answered.

"If you came to check out the paranormal, then why didn't you come to us? We are expert ghost hunters!" the woman I assumed was Maddie, bragged.

"We heard that you were crazy," Beast Boy said.

"WHAT!!??" Maddie screeched. It hurt my ears.

"Could you keep it down? My head feels like it is splitting," a voice said from the door. I turned around and it was Danny. I hugged him, being careful of his wounds.

"He might be a bit delirious, we had to put him under because he wouldn't stop moving and you know how he gets with drugs," Frostbite said as he came in. We try to avoid giving Danny any sort of Drug because he acts crazy.

"He seems fine," The old bald guy said.

"I want muffins. . ." Danny mumbled.

"You'll get muffins in the morning," I told him.

"No! You will give my Muffins Mr. Birdie Man! I will bite your head off!"

"Who wants muffins?" I say worriedly.

"I bet Fenturd couldn't even land a finger on Nightwing!" An Asian dude said.

"He is actually stronger than me," I deadpan. He is stronger than Superman, but they don't need to know that. . . yet.

"HUUUUUH!???" Everyone who didn't know screamed. I turned around to find that Danny has disappeared. Oh no. All of Team Phantom and The Young Justice League ran out to find the drugged Danny.

Dash's POV

I search the rooms until I come to mine and Danny's shared room. I open the door to see Danny sitting there in his underwear. I couldn't help but blush.

"I was waiting for you Daddy," He said. He got up and rubbed himself on me. Oh no. This is not just a drugged Danny, it is a drugged Danny in heat. Ghosts work like animals, submissive ghosts have heats once they turn sixteen. It is when they get very fertile. I know I can't get him pregnant yet, so I just take off my huge coat, grab my blanket, and my pillow, then I wrap him in my stuff. He starts to settle down and snuggle into me. It looks like we are going to have to postpone the wedding until after his heat. It ends in about three days, so we might have to postpone it for a week from now.

A/n I'm not going to write a smut scene, because even though I like reading them, I get really awkward while writing them. So when the time comes, I will have you leave it to your imagination. They are still virgins because they promised that they wouldn't do anything until they get married. Isn't that sweet? ;)

~Lilith out

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