Chapter 2 The Night Before and Time to Go

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Danny's POV

"Alright, one more time," I said. We are currently in my room, the night before the trip, going over our supply list.

"Dude, we have been through it at least fifty times already!" Tucker complained.

"Just roll with it, Foley," Dash replied.

"Fine!" (I am not going to do the list). We finished going over it and now everyone is asleep. I am in bed with Dash, Tucker and Valerie are sharing a sleeping bag, and Sam and Jazz are in Jazz's room, probably eating each others faces. I kiss Dash goodnight and fall asleep.

~Next Morning~ An hour before the class should arrive

I woke up to Dash shaking me awake. I rolled over and snuggled into my blankets. I was not getting up this easily.

"Come on, Danny! We are making muffins~" Dash tried to persuade me. And you know what, it worked. I am a sucker for muffins, so I shot out of bed and ran downstairs. Tucker is shirtless, showing off his DP tattoo and scars, Sam is in one of Jazz's Shirts, it is a big shirt, Valerie is in one of Tucker's shirts, Jazz is wearing sweatpants and a tank top, Dash is shirtless, and I am in one of Dash's humongous shirt that goes past my knees.

"What are we making today?" Valerie asked.

"Muffins!" I yelled.

"Again?" Tucker complained.

"Dash said we were making muffins," I pouted.


"Yay! Ok, Tucker starts the bacon, Sam you do the toast, Jazz you do the muffins, Dash is at the stove making omelettes, and I will be cutting up the vegetables. You know what to do, so get on it!" I yelled to everyone. We all got into position and started to cook. After a while I got bored, so I threw a knife at Dash. He caught it by the hilt and threw it to Sam. This went on for a while until we all heard a gasp behind us. We all got into fighting positions, and I threw a knife at the threat.





It was Mr Lancer and the class. Thank god I missed his head and hit the wall.

"Great Gatsby! Mr Fenton, Why you throwing knives?" the overweight english teacher asked.

"It's fun?" I answered.

"Why are you not dressed properly?"

"You are an hour early."


"Is this why you no longer have time to hangout with us, Dash?" Kwan asked.

"Yeah," Dash answered. I noticed that many girls were looking at Dash hungrily. I growled and hugged Dash.

"Why are you hanging out with these nerds?" Paulina stepped, angry that I was hugging my boyfriend.

"Because they are fun and true friends," we grabbed our food and ran upstairs.

Mr Lancer's POV

They grabbed their breakfast and ran upstairs. Why did they react that way to us? Those stances were battle stances, that shouldn't be something that they automatically go to when they are surprised. They are only children. What have they been through?

"You do NOT get the first shower!" I heard Daniel yell.

"Yes we DO. You and Dash take forever!" Tucker yelled back.

"We only take twenty minutes!"

"Does that include ten minutes of shower sex!?"

"We are not that low! We take an appropriate length of shower for two people! You and Valerie take twenty-five minutes in the shower!"

"Just let them take their shower!" Sam yelled.

"Fine!" Tucker groaned, "But they better not take too long or I will bust down the door!" I heard a few doors slam. They take their showers together?

~ Time Skip ~ In the basement No one's POV

We are finally getting on the Specter Speeder Bus (SSB). The A listers are in the middle, the nerds are in the front with the teacher and the Fentons, and the Phantom six (Danny, Sam, Tucker, Dash, Valerie, and Jazz) were in the back. The ghost portal was opened and they were off. What will this field trip to doom bring?

a/n: The second chapter is over. If you haven't guessed, the pairs are Dash X Danny, Jazz X Sam, and Tucker X Valerie. My chapters are prewritten in google docs before I copy them into Wattpad, so I might upload more than one chapter at a time because I wright them at school as well, and I can't get on wattpad at school.

Danny Phantom: Field Trip to The Ghost ZoneWhere stories live. Discover now