Chapter 7 Questions and Pandora

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Danny's POV ~In The Carriage~

"So, questions?" I kinda asked. Everyone started to yell at us, "Hey! One at a time!"

"What was that sword that came out of your hand?" Maddie asked.

"It is this little cube box that can become any weapon you want it to be. I didn't know that Frostbite put it into my hand," I say as I show them the box.

"How do you know these giant rock monsters and humans?" Jack asked.

"They are trolls. Jim is something called the Trollhunter and these are his friends. The big one is Arrg, with two r's, the one with multiple eyes is Blinky, the normal looking one is Jim, the girl is Claire, and the chubby boy is Toby. We met them when they were evacuating the troll village from a bad troll. We became instant friends."

"Why were you in a seperate cell?" Mickey

"I may have upset Walker a little bit."

"Where are we going next?" Mr Lancer

"To a very good ghost named Pandora. We will be there in an hour," I explained. The rest of the ride was silent.

~One Hour Later~

We arrive outside of Pandora's castle. She was outside of the doors, probably waiting for us. I ran out of the carriage and gave her a hug.

"Mitéra! (Mother)" I yelled.

"O mikrós polemistís mou! (My little warrior)" She yelled back, "Poú ísoun!? Sas perímena na ftásete chthes. (Where have you been? I was expecting you to arrive yesterday)

"Emeís kratísame ton Walker. (We were held up by Walker)"

"Gamóto! (Son of a bitch)" She looks at the rest of the class, "You must be hungry! Let's go eat! Then get the party started!"

"Party?" Mickey asked.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Today is Danny's birthday."

"No it's not!" Maddie yelled.

"Yes it is," Mr Lancer, Sam, Valerie, Jazz, Dash, Tucker, and Pandora said at the same time.

"No it's not! I know my own son! I gave birth to him!"

"Your as much a mother to him than I am a scaredy cat."

"Then you must be afraid of practically everything be-"

"I am afraid of nothing. Not even my own box," Pandora replied seriously, "Let's go inside to get the party started!" she ended cheerfully. We all headed to her ballroom. It was full of practically every ghost.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANNY!!!" Everyone yelled.

"Thank you!" I yelled.

"Time for you to open your presents!" Ember yelled as she pushed me to a really big present. I kicked it and I heard a giggle.

"This isn't going to blow up in my face is it?" I ask.

"Just open it already!"

"Alright!" I took off the lid, then I was jumped on.

"Daddy!" yelled the thing that was on top of me.

"Hey Ellie! Get off please. I am hurt," at that moment, everyone realized that I was still practically neckade and making a puddle of blood on the floor.

"OMG! I am so sorry!"

"It's okay," Frostbite picks me up and takes me to the medical room.

Jazz's POV

When Frostbite left with Danny, I went over to talk to Pandora. But, before I could get to her, a group of people walked in. It was the Young Justice League and Batman. I ran over to Nightwing and hugged him.

"You made it!" I yelled. The class all looked shocked that I was hugging a superhero.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss my brothers birthday. Where is he?" He said while hugging me back.

"He got hurt, so Frostbite is fixing him up."

"Why are you hugging The Nightwing?" Paulina asked while drooling over the boys.

A/n Cliffhanger! This is a multiple crossover. Trollhunters x Danny Phantom x Young Justice!

~Lilith out

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