Chapter 9 Training Time

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Danny's POV

My heat is finally over, but we had to postpone my wedding day. That makes me sad. I walk downstairs in Dash's oversized football jacket. When I got to the dining room, everyone was there except the Trollhunters and most of the YJL. The only one still here is Nightwing. He is in civilian clothing. I sat down in between Richard and Dash. I grabbed a muffin and ate it. Breakfast was silent until alarms blazed in my head. It was 8:30, which means training time. Have an internal clock in my head, which is why I don't need a watch. I stand up and head out the door.

Sam's POV

"Yes!! Training time! Let's go watch!" I yelled while getting up to leave, but I was stopped.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked.

"Almost everyday at 8:30 he goes and trains. It is absolutely beautiful when he does. Everyone is welcome to come and watch," Pandora replied. Everyone got up and followed Pandora to the indoor training arena. It is this huge room that has bleachers on one wall for onlookers. When we got there, Danny was already in his training gear. He had his hair in a braid. He wore a skintight blue suit that cuts off at his shoulders and thighs. He has no shoes and he is wearing black fingerless gloves.

He pulled out his weapon cube and changed it into a Japanese style sword, his favorite. Random dummies popped up and he slashed right through them. He was vicious but graceful like a black leopard. It was so beautiful. Next he puts up his stuff and puts up the mind world. It is this virtual reality thing that designs the room to look like your mindscape. As long as you can think it, it can happen. Danny is floating around a library.

"What is happening?" Maddie asked me.

"This is a virtual representation of his mind. He comes here to train and get his thoughts together. It is useful if you don't like to meditate. Ghosts have a bunch of advanced technology," Valerie answered.

"But ghosts can't have advanced technology."

"The Ghost Zone is more technically advanced than the human world could ever be," Tucker said.

"Look around you, our world doesn't have this stuff," I cut in. We went back to looking at Danny. He was sorting through his recent memories in the M.A.R.S. Library. M.A.R.S. means Mind Altering Research System. It is a library of all of his memories, good and bad. Once he is done with that he goes to a book labeled Fighting Practice. He opens it and throws it on the ground. A memory plays in front of us.

"What is that?" Jack asked.

"It is one of his memories. He looks through his memories to study them and take hints," I answered. We see that it is a memory of one of Danny and Vlad's training sessions.

"What is Vladdie doing here?" Jack asked.

"He's no-"

"I'm here to watch young Daniel train. In this memory I was teaching him to have patience. You can see how that turned out," A voice said. I turned around to see Vlad. I turned around again to see MemVlad holding Danny by his hair. MemDanny got very mad. You could see him try to control himself, but that didn't work and eventually he turned his WC (Weapon Cube) into twin daggers and he stabbed MemVlad's stomach. MemVlad falls over clutching his stomach. MemDanny steps on MemVlad and started stomping.

"Nobody. Touches. My. Hair!!!!" MemDanny yelled. He continued to stomp on MemVlad until MemDash comes out with a brush and starts to brush MemDanny's hair. MemDanny calmed down and let MemDash brush his hair. The memory ended when MemFrostbite came and took a bleeding MemVlad away.

"How recent is this memory?" I asked Vlad. He lifted up his shirt to show bandages.

"A few weeks ago. We haven't fought since." He answered.

A/n thats a wrap! I hope you like it!

~Lilith out

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