Chapter 12 Proving Them Wrong

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Danny's POV

Today was fun. I had a great time singing with my friends. I wish Tucker had sang. He really had improved from his screech of death. Now we are heading to lunch. Everyone sits down and grabs some food.

"Why were y'all watching me train?" I asked.

"I kinda got excited and everyone else came along," Sam explained.

"I see."

"How are ghosts able to get such advanced technology?" Maddie asked.

"When we first came here, all of the ghosts were stuck in their own time. Tucker helped create weapons for the ghosts and we taught them about modern technology. We helped them evolve more."

"Are you crazy man? That training room was your idea and you are the main mechanic in the Ghost Zone. Heck! I didn't even know what a computer was until you came into my life!" Tucker yelled. Everyone was surprised that I was the main mechanic in the Ghost Zone.

"What!? There is no way that Fentonio is that smart!" Kwan yelled with a mouth full of food.

"I know thirteen languages. Romanian, Greek, Esperanto, German, Roman, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Mongolian, Finnish, Thai and Korean. I can build a hoverbike from scrap metal. I have built eighty percent of the new technologies in the Ghost Zone. Need I go on?" I explained while eating. I was eating muffins. Of course.

"Great Gatsby!! Mr Fenton, when did you learn all of this?" Mr Lancer exclaimed.

"I learned the languages from the ghosts. I had a friend who came to Amity for a few months for a school field trip. We both wanted to be in space, so he taught me how to build a hoverbike. He ended up going to the Garrison and is now in space doing really cool things and finding new places. His name was Keith :). Once you learn how to build a hoverbike, building other things is easy. I soon became the head mechanic for the Ghost Zone. A lot of the things in the Ghost Zone were my idea, but there are many ghosts who are really smart. Ghosts are much smarter than you give them credit for," I said before walking off to take a nap.

A/n sorry it's so short, but my mom would actually kill me if I stayed up with the computer for too long. It's 10:30 pm. If you got the Keith reference, comment down below and I love you! Keith is able to talk to Danny from space if you are confused.

~Lilith out

Danny Phantom: Field Trip to The Ghost ZoneWhere stories live. Discover now