The Far Frozen

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Danny's POV

"WHAT!!??" almost the entire class yelled.

"How could you bring a bunch of teenagers into a realm that you know absolutely nothing about?" Mr Lancer asked. I am getting tired of this. The class starts to freak out as I try to get some sleep, but they were too loud.

"Shut up!!!" I yell. Everyone looks shocked that I yelled. I stand up and start to walk towards the backpacks when my mom stops me.

"DANIEL JAMES FENTON!!! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT DISGUSTING TATTOO!!??" she screamed at me. It hurt my ears and I am getting annoyed. (a/n so am I and I am writing this. I can hear her screech in my head. It hurts. T-T)

"I've had it since I turned seventeen. It was my birthday present from Sam and Jazz," I reply calmly. She looked at Jazz mortified.

"You let him get a tattoo?" She asked Jazz.

"Yeah? So what?" She responded.

"When we are getting home, you are getting that thing removed."

"No," I replied and continued to walk off. She was too shocked to reply. I walk to the backpacks and gather anything that we absolutely need in three backpacks, then I sling one over my one good shoulder. I walk back over to the team and give Dash and Tucker backpacks, "Alright everyone, I know the way out. Before you ask, I was accidently pushed in here when I was in the original Specter Speeder. I just kept coming back to map things out. There are good ghosts, so do NOT shoot unless I tell you to. Got it?" I looked at Maddie and Jack. They reluctantly nodded.

I start walking to the Far Frozen, which is only a few hours away. I listen as everyone starts to follow. I just wanted to get this over with.

~ 30 minutes later ~

Paulina won't stop talking, and it is getting on everyone of my 7 trillion nerves. She keeps complaining about her feet and hair.

"Dash?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He looks over and answers.

"Do you have a hair tie?"

"No, sorry. Do you want me to carry you?"

"Sure," Dash picks me up and keeps walking. I just fall asleep listening to my fiance's heartbeat. That's right, we are getting married when I turn eighteen, which is in a couple of days. I hope we get out of here before then.

Dash's POV

Danny looks so beautiful when he is sleeping even with all of the scars and dirt. We continue walking until I see a blue flame up ahead.

"Hey! Flame face!" I yell at the popstar ghost.

"Hey, Dash! What are you doing here? We weren't expecting you for a few more days," she replied.

"Some idiots thought it was a good idea to take a bunch of teenagers to the Ghost Zone. The SSB crashed and Danny got injured badly. I had to cut his arm off," Sam replied with a solemn face. Ember looked down at the sleeping boy in my arms.

"Oh, Spark plug. Why does the worst things happen to you?"

"GET BACK GHOST!!" Maddie and Jack yelled. They pulled out ecto blasters and shot. Danny got out of my arms and jumped in front of Ember. He got shot in his stomach.

"I said not to shoot!" He yelled before he collapsed to his knees.

"Danny!" I yelled as I run to him, "Are you okay?"

"I am fine, is Ember?"

"I'm alright Dipstick. You shouldn't worry about me so much. You are injured enough," Ember replied. Valerie walked over to Maddie as Jazz walked over to Jack, and they slapped the shit out of both of them.

"You shot Danny!" Valerie yelled.

"Only because he was in the way," Maddie said as I started to patch Danny up.

"That doesn't change a thing. Ember is a good ghost and Danny said not to shoot at her," I picked up Danny and Started walking to Frostbite's. It is only an hour away. I hear Sam tell everyone to follow, but I don't care, I just need to get Danny some medical help.

~ An Hour Later ~ The Far Frozen

As we cross into the border of the Far Frozen, I wrap Danny in my Jacket as I wear a thicker one. Danny doesn't really need a Jacket since he can't feel temperature changes. A few months ago we found out that Danny has two core types, ice and fire, so he can be in any temperature without it affecting him. I just let him wear my thin jacket because he likes to.

"Alright, the ghosts that live here are extremely friendly, so do not harm them. They are yeti like creatures, so don't be afraid," Tucker tells everyone. We walk inside and see Frostbite waiting for us.

"Hello Danny and friends, we yetis appreciate your company," he says.

a/n And done! I can't wait to see what happens next! Frostbite is a great friend of mine, so I know they are in great hands. Maddie is a bitch. There is no changing that, but how does she react to Frostbite? You will have to wait and see. I am also starting an Inuyasha modern day fanfiction so please check that out if you are an Inuyasha fan!

~ Lilith out

Danny Phantom: Field Trip to The Ghost ZoneWhere stories live. Discover now