Chapter 13 On The Move Again

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Maddie's Pov

Why is Danny so angry? How does he know these things? Is a ghost overshadowing him? I need to get my weapons back. These ectoplasmic pieces of scum are not going to lay their filthy hands on me or my family.

"What's wrong with Fen-Toenail?" the Korean boy asked. (I am just saying he is Korean because I have absolutely no idea what Kwan goes by. So don't be offended if you are Korean)

"He's probably upset that his wedding day got postponed," Tucker said.

"TUCKER!!!?" Danny's other friends yelled at the boy. Danny's getting married?

"He's getting married!?" the hispanic chick screeched. She is so annoying. (Then you are probably looking at a mirror Maddie)

"Yes! He and Dash were supposed to get married the day after Danny turned eighteen. Which was three days ago, but Danny got sick and they had to postpone it. Now it is in two days," Valerie explained.

"And why was I not invited to my own son's wedding? I am his mother," I demanded to know.

"Well, if you actually paid attention to Danny, then you might have been invited, but you were so caught up in your work that you forgot to spend time with him. Why adopt him if you were only going to ignore him?" Sam asked.

"How did you know he was adopted?" I asked skeptically.

"He was nine. He couldn't stop talking about how nice you were for adopting him. He thought you would take care of him. You didn't and he went looking for his twin brother. He hoped that his brother was having a better life than he was. He was ten when he found Richard. He was adopted by Bruce Wayne. He didn't contact Richard until he was fifteen because he had no way of getting to him. Jazz was the only family support he had for six years. You did nothing," Tucker said calmly.

"How dare you talk to me like that you insolent brat!"

"Is this true Mrs Fenton?" Mr Lancer asked.

"They don't know what they are talking about!"

"Danny's adopted?" the nerdy redhead asked.

"Of course not!" Throughout this entire thing, Nightwing was a bit tense and looked like he wanted to bolt right out of the room, "Are you okay Nightwing? You look tense."

"I'm gonna go check up on Danny. And he is adopted. His full name before the adoption was Daniel James Grayson. Get your facts straight before you go sprouting lies," NW said before walking off. All of his other human friends went too along with Vlad.

Danny's Pov

I was lying in bed when I heard the door creak. I knew who it was, so I just stayed still. A couple seconds later, there were multiple dips in my bed.

"How are you?" Dash asked as he pulled me into his lap.

"I was looking forward to the wedding. And now because of my parents I lost my arm, almost lost my virginity, and postponed our wedding. Why did it have to be now of all times?" I said, crying in Dash's jacket. He wears that jacket a lot, "You're not gonna wear that stupid jacket at the wedding are you?"

"No. I actually know how to dress to impress."

"Would a sleepover help get your mind off of everything?" Uncle Vlad asked. Vlad joined the group when he found out I was a submissive. Turns out he is one too. We connected and found out we had a lot in common. He found out he was gay and married Clockwork, who is my ghostly father figure, so we call him Uncle.

"Yeah, I would like that. We have to get everyone to Phantom's Keep tomorrow so that they can get home in time for us to have the wedding." I answered.

"Yeah. That might be best," Everyone agreed, so we pulled out the large bed, about as big as two queen sized beds, and everyone changed and went to sleep. Richard had those sleeping eye thingys incase anyone comes in without knocking. Then we fell asleep all wrapped around each other on the big bed.

~The Next Morning after breakfast~

Everyone, except Vlad and Nightwing, was boarding onto the new and improved SSB.

"We are heading to Phantom's keep! It is only an hour away and we shouldn't cross anybody we don't want to. But just incase . . ." I pulled out a roll of duct tape and taped Tucker's mouth shut, "He is not aloud to talk the entire time. Don't take off the tape!" I said while heading to the front to drive.

"Where do you think you are going?" Maddie almost screeched.

"To the front to drive."

"But you don't know how to."

"Yes I do. Now you can sit down or I will tie you to a chair."

"I would like to see you try!" Ten minutes later, Maddie was strapped down to a chair and I was upfront driving.

	"I would like to see you try!" Ten minutes later, Maddie was strapped down to a chair and I was upfront driving

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"We are entering Ghost City, so we will have to walk. The bus will be transported to the castle. Leave everything but yourself. It will be transported with the bus." I told everyone.

"What is Ghost City?" Mickey asked.

"Ghost City is the capital of the Ghost Zone. It was built by Phantom when he became king. He designed to be like the lost city of Atlantis. Which is not so lost if you know where to look for it. The most outer rings are where everyone lives, the middle is where they work, like restaurants, arcades, gift shops, and even amusement parks. The inner ring is where the international corporations are and right in the center is where the castle is. Also known as Phantom's Keep," Tucker explained.

"Ghosts can have cities?" Jack asked.


"What did you mean about finding Atlantis?" Mickey asked.

"You know Aquaman and Aqualad? They are from Atlantis, so it is not a myth."

"Why do ghosts work?" Maddie asked.

"They want to."

"Phantom's a King!! That means I will be a Queen!!" Paulina shreeked.

"He is already married!" I but in. It wasn't a total lie.

"What!? That bitch! Who is it that took my prince charming from me?"

"A guy. Phantom's gay, so even if he wasn't married, you would still have no chance." Paulina looked heartbroken and started screeching about random nonsense, "Time to get going!" It's a good thing that I told the citizens not to bow down to me when came through.

A/n I hope you liked this chapter! I know a lot of people have done the Atlantis city plan for the capital city, but I think it is a really cool idea, so I used it. Ghosts don't have to work, but they do because it gives them things to do and they like it. I don't remember if I said this, and if I said anything different I apologise, Danny became the official king when he was sixteen and Dash proposed the day after.

~Lilith out

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